
I don't get along with my dads girlfriend!?

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okay, my dad has this girlfriend who just hates me for no reason at all. and im so sick and tired of her saying S**t about me and doing all these stupid things to get me in trouble with my dad. she is purposely trying to ruin mine and my dads relationship. sooo, should i just keep coming and ignore wat she has to say or should i tell my dad that i no longer want to come and say that he will have to see me somewhere else.

i also have told my mom about all this and she has talked to my dad but he wont talk to his girlfriend and my mom has threatened to not let me come back to his house but he just doesnt understand.

and btw im only 14. if that matters.




  1. Sounds like she's a *****, and your dad is trying to keep her.

    You need a serious talk with your dad.

    If his girlfriend can't accept you, then you need to threaten to move out of the house or bring up a a lawsuit concerning this.

    I'd beat that woman to high heaven.

  2. I had this problem too. When my dad first started dating her, I hated her. All she did was yell at my dad for everything he did wrong and she absolutly hated me and my brother. Then my dad got married to her and I felt like mt world was crashing down around me. But I decided that I could either keep resisting and be a b***ch and hate going to see my dad, or I could at lesat try, for my dads sake. It took 9 years, but now, my step mom and I have a great relationship and I love going to see them, and not just my dad.

    So i would sugest try and find things you have in common and try to do theings together, and as hard as it may be, leave your dad at home. Just try to get along.

  3. It seems like you have an attitude problem, typical for a girl your age. Here's some advice. Get used to life throwing you a **** storm, this isn't a difficult situation at all so just grow up.

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