
I don't get fixed dinner?

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My parents dont fix me dinner.

occasionally they will get me something from chipotle or in-n-out

but not unless i ask them

when i ell them im hungry the moan and throw a little tissy fit saying that your 13 and can fix somthing to eat on your own

so pretty much i dont eat anything that is really healthy

what is your opinion?




  1. I'm 13, I cook. What's the big deal, can't you do it too? Don't whine to your parents, do it yourself. People are too good to cook for themselves now?

  2. then just cook your own meals. there's really easy ones...and cooking is a really good hobby too. watch food network or something and maybe you can pick it up...

    when i lived with my mom, she never cooked because there was 'bugs' on the food (long story) anyways, so i went to the store early in the morning, bought my own food and hid it in the fridge and pretend it was school lunch or my room to cook later. i had money from babysitting so i could afford it.

    but i think if you have kids then your job is to put food on the table, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and to provide love and support. and from what you've said, they don't have any food on the table which is a big time responsibility that they're not following.

  3. You might want to learn how to cook and eat some healthy food, otherwise your health will go down the drain. It doesn't seem like they are suddenly going to change their ways and cook for you.

  4. You're 13!! You shouldn't need to have dinner "fixed" for you. You're going to be an adult soon, you need to learn to take care of yourself.

    Learn to make healthy dishes and cook for yourself and your family. That way you don't go hungry and the whole family can eat better.  

  5. Your 13, you should know how to cook and you should definitely know what is healthy and what isn't. Some parents aren't the type to cook for their kids and things like that, especially when tre is only one kid. The only thing you can do is just cook for yourself and make good choices in food so you're not going hungry or eating things that you know aren't good for you. I started cooking for myself when I was 10 or 11 so I dont see a huge issue with you cooking. You act like they cook something for themselves and not you.

  6. Aw I'm sorry.  That's kind of rough.  What do your parents eat?  Do they cook for themselves?  Look up recipes and learn how to cook.  Maybe it'll be fun! =]

  7. my opinion is that every family is different. my mom stopped making dinner after her and my dad broke up since there was only her me and my sister, she worked more and ate out, and my sister and i learned how to cook our self food. you have to learn to not rely on them all the time.. its always a treat for me when i go to my boyfriends house and have dinner with their family. its kind of weird though for me too.. cause i dont have a choice in eating and have to adapt to the way they eat (tradition) you know?

  8. At the age of 5, I was cooking and cleaning up after myself.

    My parents didn't need to do c**p for me except cloth me and keep a roof over my head.

    Stop being a lazy whiner.

  9. poptarts worked for me

  10. tell them to get off their lazy asses and cook you some d**n food.

  11. you poor kid. your parents are neglecting you! They won't even fix you, their child, something to eat. What meanies.

    I'd say that you should go on the internet and find some easy recipes for some healthy foods. may as well learn to cook if they wont for you. And when they smell how good it is, tell them theyre (whatever age) and to go make themselves a snack!

  12. if they're working constantly I could understand that but if they just don't feel like feeding you, learn how to cook. But personally I think they should cook for you at 13.

  13. They NEVER fix dinner for you OR Last Night they didn't fix dinner?  Sometimes parents want a break and you are a 13 year old...BUT if you NEVER have dinner fixed for you that is just ridiculous...I cook for my 3 teens (13,14 and 17) 5 nights a week, but they also know how to get in there and make themselves a sandwich or some eggs and toast...if you feel you are NOT being taken care of,,, talk to a school counselor about need some help.~~Aloha and Good Luck~~

  14. Call social services on that *****.

  15. well you are capable of knowing when your hungry and getting something to eat on your own but you are right about not eating nurtritionally, if it bothers you, i would suggest learning to make things with more nurtritional value.  

  16. My parents don't fix mine either. After I was old enough to use the microwave the sent me off to make my own dinner. But hey, look at the bright side, you can eat whenever you want, plus you get to choose whats for dinner.  

  17. It's not good to eat fast food all the time, so in that sense it is bad... But as long as they provide the money for you to order out, then they technically are taking care of you... Looks like you're gonna have to learn to cook maybe to make your diet a little healthier... See if you can find a simple cookbook around the house or search "simple easy recipes" on the internet and start with some basic things like hamburgers or pancakes or spaghetti & sauce. Instead of taking the money & buying fast food... go to the grocery store and get some basic supplies... Like to make spaghetti & meat sauce, all you need is some spaghetti noodles, ground meat, and a jar of sauce. You'd be surprised how fast you can learn to cook things.

    Good luck!!!

  18. You would probably do best to learn to cook on your own, I know at 13 I knew how to cook well enough to feed myself and eat healthy.  I was babysitting by then so I even prepared meals for other kids.  It would be nice of your mom/dad to cook from time to time but they may just feel they are to busy or maybe they feel you wouldn't eat what they would fix anyways.  I would just start figuring out some way yourself to make sure you eat.  At 13 you can cook on a stove or run a microwave so you could just suggest some things that they could buy for the house that you could prepare.  

  19. Ask them why they don't cook for you. Maybe they don't know how. If so, get a cheap cookbook and learn together. Cooking and baking really can bond families together and bring them closer. If they're just lazy and don't want to, you could ask if they could buy you some easy things you can make yourself when they go shopping. Offer to help with shopping and get some easy things to make, anything you can make in the microwave is fair game and yummy.

    You are 13, so you are able to make lots of decisions about whether you eat healthy. You can eat healthy foods at school, you can make healthy foods yourself, it isn't all your parent's fault.

    Just talk to them (yes, this is my solution to everything, but it works) and see what the issue is.

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