
I don't get it! HOW in the h**l does a ring represent love?

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Its a piece of metal. I have never understood why a ring represents love. Why do men have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for a piece of metal and stone that will just fall down the garbage disposal one day? What is up with that?




  1. A ring has no beginning or end as the love you have for someone that you wish to commit to for the rest of your life.

    It is a symbol and whether it it made out of precious metal or not really doesn't matter, it is the love between two people that is important.

  2. I personally don't think the ring has to be supper expensive I do think it has to be a ring that you like because you have to wear it for the rest of your life at least your suppose to. Some woman think the more a man spends on a ring the more it show he loves her and some just simply want bragging rights. I wear my ring for the real use as does my husband so it is known to other people that you are taken.

  3. It doesn't It's just a way of saying, "This binds us together, every can see it."

    It doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to have meaning. if it has no meaning to you, you shouldn't get one. My step mom and my dad got matching tattoos, it was more special to them, because they couldn't take it of.

    there's another reason for why it goes along with love, way back in the days people believed that the vein that goes from your left ring finger goes directly to your heart.

    for me, I just found it to be a wonderful gesture. the ring may have been expensive, but the engraving means a lot to me. It's just his name, Caspar, but to it sounds like a melody.  

  4. Ok fine! You don't have to have one!  

  5. Who said it has to be "Thousands and thousands" of dollars?  My dad proposed to my mom with a pop-can tab.  They eventually were able to go and get a simple band that my mom still wears to this day as her primary ring even though my dad did get her a 1ct diamond ring for their 20th anniversary.  It isn't about the size or the cost of the ring, it is about what it signifies.  It signifies not only to each other, but to the world, that you are taken.  It signifies your commitment to someone else.  It signifies your love.  It is a never-ending circle....."Never-ending love/commitment".  

  6. The wedding band's shape represents an unbroken promise of love and commitment. The circle has no beginning and no end; therefore, the marriage has no end.

    In ancient times, the Egyptians and the Romans shared the belief that a vein from the fourth finger lead directly to the heart. As such, it seemed a logical place for the placement of the wedding band. The practice was passed down and the fourth finger is now universally known as the ring finger.

  7. well the whole idea behind a ring is that it's a circle, no breaks it's never ending ect, so it's supposed to be symbolic of your love and commitment.

    Nobody said you have to spend a lot of money on it.  

  8. It's a way of showing your love and commitment.  I know that answer has been given before, but it's true.  My question to you is why not a ring?  Do you not want people to know you are committed?!  I'd be concerned more about your reason not to have a ring than our reasons to have them.  

  9. Anything can represent anything you want it to. Most people represent their love and commitment with a ring. But, I also get what you are saying. First, my husband ran across my wedding/engagement ring at an estate sale. It is an antique, it has a nice emerald (I don't like diamonds and he knows this), and is beautiful. He almost didn't buy it though because he felt ashamed that it only cost $40! He knew that according to "society" he should spend way more than that. However, he looked at the ring, thought it was the prettiest ring he had ever seen, and knew I would love it too. So, he gave it to me, and I think he did a wonderful job picking out a token of his love for me.

    Cut to 5 years later, and I barely ever wear the thing. I work with exotic animals that like to bite at shiny things, so I've become completely out of the habit of wearing my ring at all. My husband understands, and really doesn't care. He knows a ring does not make a marriage, we do:)

    If you don't like rings or jewelry, it can be something else. My brother and his wife decided they both didn't want to do rings, and used that money as a down payment on some land they want to build a house on and retire to someday. The symbol of their love is that they plan to be together till they die of old age!

  10. it dosent represent love...

    it only helps make insecure people ... feel secure....all comes down to society

  11. It doesnt. it represents commitment and presenting a woman you love with one represents your commitment to her,as does her wearing it shows her commitment to you.

    you bitter or something?  

  12. First the engagement ring

    Next the wedding ring

    Then the suffering

  13. They don't have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars. I would have taken a $100 ring if my husband had given it to me. For women, it's a sign that you have a man that cares about you and is committed to you. It's a tradition that has really progressed into a showpiece. But hey, I have my own rock and love it. No need to be angry over it :)

  14. I am not at all materialistic however it is a tradition that has been happening for years and years.  It doesn't represent love however my first husband bought me a used ring from a drug dealer who stole it and it was a big plastic diamond and was 10 K gold.  I was so upset and told him that I would rather have a cracker jack ring at least he went through every box just to find it.  I refused to wear it.  I still married the man how dumb was I lol.  He bought me another ring this time a  gold band for $45.00 and when I got a hold of some money he asked me to buy him one for 120.00 I didn't.  I did buy him one for 85.00 and hardly had any money at the time.  It was tacky on his part.  I felt unloved and not very special to him.   I am married for the second time and my husband made sure I would love the ring I have and I still do.  We have been married for 7 years.  It is just a custom.

  15. You are absolutely right, rings are stupid.  It's more tradition than anything else.  Somewhere, a long time ago, a jeweler made a deal with a priest or something and then bam, now everyone has to have a ring to be married. Just like the bride should wear white and all that other c**p that goes with the business that has become wedding planning.  Truthfully, tattoos mean more and you can't lose that down the garbage disposal...... Plus, a ring has become a bull$&^% status symbol to rate income levels.  

  16. A ring is supposed to be a symbol of your love and commitment for each other. However, I don't think that your love is measured by how much you send on it or how big it is. My husband could not afford a big fancy ring at the time that we got engaged. He had been separated for 3 years and I was separated for 6 years and we both paid out the *** for a divorce so we were broke when we got engaged. Did he love me any less? NO! And a man does not have to pay that much to show his love for you. Am I guessing you lost your ring down a garbage disposal? I agree with the second one you sound bitter. Is he mad at you? Is that it? Well that is the best answer that I have. Thumbs down or not. Sorry.  

  17. the answer lyes in the symbolism of the shape. Round, with no end and no beginning. Just round. It represents the bounding, the union, a whole eternity. A symbol of Forever. The decoration is less important. What matters is that shape. Threw that ring you acknowledge that you want that person in your life.. forever.

  18. it doesn't.  it represents the commitment made to one another.

    *add* well excuse me *scoff*, at least i got my two points!

  19. A ring is a circle and a circle has no beginning , no end. So, the love should be the same with no end. It is a symbolic gesture.

    According to the dude's money, a ring with no stone can be purchased at a pawn shop but will serve the purpose at the ceremony.

  20. it does not represent love,,,,it represents a plug,because after you put it on your s*x life is over!

  21. This is a really silly question.  It's like asking why do people give flowers.  Like someone else said, you sound bitter.  

  22. Who says they have to be expensive?

    We married with matching $85.00 gold bands. It proves a public commitment to each other, and warns others that you are not open for a relationship.

    And any woman who would lose an expensive ring down the disposal is too immature to own it.

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