
I don't get it?? Help please!!?

by  |  earlier

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The last day to pay my car insurance was yesterday. I paid it online.

While I was paying the site froze, not my computer, their site.

I was going to try again but I notice my bank account already had their payment pending.

I called and asked the lady what I shuld do becuase I never got the confirmation number, but the payment was pending in my account. She said she would call me back and didn't......

Today I got a letter of cancellation.

Can they cancel my insurance and take my money?

Is the cancellation voided because I made the payemnt?

It's to late to call and I just opened the mail to find the cancellation notice......





  1. OK, paying by the 5th means, they must RECEIVE the payment by 12:01am.  That would be, last night.  

    Even though you paid online, usually it takes up to three days for the money to transfer.

    Likely, yes, the policy is cancelled.  You can't "void" out a cancellation.  If they do take your money effective before midnight last night, they would "reinstate" you.

    You will have to talk to them tomorrow.

  2. First look at the date which they are cancelling the policy.  There should be a date and a time in which the cancellation starts (usually at 12:01 am).  If you made the payment before the cancellation starts then you have nothing to worry about, even without a confirmation number, the funds taken from your account is proof that you made the payment on this certain day at this certain time.  Second, was it a notice of cancellation or a acutally cancellation?  Because there is a difference between the two.  If it is a cancellation then you should have received a notice of cancellation a few days ago.  Just call you insurance company tommorow and find out.  Most likely they will reinstate the policy with no lapse in coverage and may require you to sign a Statement of No Loss.  Just to let you know though, all this info is from how my company operates, EVERY COMPANY OPERATES A DIFFERENT WAY, so just call first thing tommorow.

  3. Call the company, speak to a human and explain what happened.  Ask them to rescind the cancellation notice

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