
I don't get it? How come pll assume asians are smart?

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Everyday at school, i suusally hear that asians are smart...this and that. Thats not right, you can't assume all asiana are nerds because i know some pretty crazy asian people and i mena they're crazy! My friends are asian, they curse, they talk back to the teachers, they jump people, but they still focus on they're schoolwork but that doesnt mean they're nerds...each person is different in their own way...mexicans can be nreds, white pll can be nerds, blacks can be nerds, germans can be nerds lol...opps, i think i answered my own question.




  1. Because they are!

  2. Because those people are closeminded... they suck... I'm Asian, and sure I'm smart (4.0!) but my little sis is just average... some of the other Asian people I know aren't smart and one is just a little loopy. What is the definition of a nerd? Glasses? I have them. High, nasal voice? Pocket protectors? Always answering questions in class? Being on top? Well, I'm a selfproclaimed nerd and love nerds! Let people be nerds because nerds rock!

    Plus, it's wrong to assume things and judge people.

    And others may think that all asian parents pressure their kids to be smart but they r wrong... my parents don't... that's another assumption that's wrong!

  3. If they were the wouldn't be trying to copy Americans. they would be like themselves.

  4. Perceptions is the mother of all errors and mistaken belief.All around the world there are all kinds of people e.g.lazy,smart,hardworking.etc,etc.

  5. its because we have become stereotyped due to past observations..and today, most of these stereotypes of asians r sumwut true but not exactly true...

  6. Asians are just more purpose driven, hard working and not yet adapting to the culture and ways of thinking in the countries they migrated to.  But after few generations living in those countries, they are the same as the other people there.

  7. Asians have strong work ethics, naturally, it's in their genes. For centuries and centuries. So because they work hard, they achieve better grades and people tend to think that they are "nerds" or that all asians are "smart". Stereotypes, that's all they are. You can't get rid of them.

  8. It's just a stereotype - just like all Italians are mobsters, all Jamaican  people work 5 jobs, all the French are snotty, all Mexicans are lazy, all African-Americans are criminals, all people from the South are redneck hicks, all Jewish people are cheap, etc.  Smart people know that you can't judge someone based on a stereotype of what their race or culture is.  Just like you said, each person is different in their own way - stereotypes are horrible, narrow-minded and just plain stupid.  Each person should be judged based on their own character, not some made-up generality.

  9. haha yeah. but my mom is asian. and i asked her the same question. they just put more pressure on their kids to get a good education and stuff like that.

  10. I think you did as well, but we're glad we could help

  11. Well..I could be wrong but Asians usually do better on SAT's than whites, blacks or hispanics.

    And according to the latest census Asians makes almost 10,000 more per year(median household income) than whites, followed by Hispanics and blacks.

  12. It's quite often that they have strict parents who make them work hard, I know some asians who have parents like this. They had to learn English and move to England when they were 7 to attend an English school. I guess some have a different lifestyle.

  13. Because of the fact that eating fish before age 2 helps to develop a child's brain. Since Asians eat fish and rice from birth and through adult hood it's said that they are more enhanced  than the rest of the population.

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