
I don't get it--how can people on here....?

by  |  earlier

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have what they call "Yahoo crushes" with a friggin avatar? They have no idea what the person even looks like! They can be a 600 lb, one eyed freak--you have NO idea what these people are like in real life--this is a FANTASY world people--get over it!!




  1. Yes but sometimes Fantasy is better than the reality people have to deal with

  2. Agreed but on the same token, you can post ANY picture you want, but that might not be the person EITHER!

    Best to stay anonymous on the net........too many freaks...

    Yes luvpudin, I did!  : )

  3. So you are saying you really weigh 600lbs? i think i will puke you have no idea how many fantasy i and other men have had of you.

    I love your pearly whites

  4. I think I'm in love with Frank Chili Beans!  I'm so jealous of Moo Moo!!!!

  5. I'm guessing that you might be the 600# one eyed freak hiding behind a hot avatar.

    I find that when people ask "am I overreacting?" They are.

    Perhaps you are suffering from a guilty conscience for hiding behind this avatar.

    I had a crush on your avatar but now I'm not so sure I can trust you............

  6. well you said it now .. its over .. i am lost ..... can anyone find me .. i am in fantasy land now ..

  7. Just proves that people really like other people based on what they say (well in our case, what we type), not on what they look like.

    You just want people to have a crush on you, when everyone here knows all you ever want is attention and use fake pictures.

    you are taking the whole "Yahoo crushes" thing to literally.

    I have a yahoo crush on honesty rules, there is just somthing about that pink cowboy hat!

  8. and guess what?  even if you put a "real" pic of a blond as your avatar you can still be a 600 lb one eyed freak!!  

  9. I have a crush on Martina. I don't care whether she's one legged, one eyed or one boob.

    She is smart.

  10. wow!  ppl do that?  

  11. You just want people to notice yours and it is so obvious.  Who cares!!!

  12. Well it happen to me but i had to stop it.....

  13. I don't get how people can ask a question but block you simply because they disagree with your response. I could care less if I'm blocked but why the h**l ask a question if you don't want to hear ALL possible answers?

    Sorry, but while we're on the subject of "how can people on here..."

  14. So are you saying that's not your real picture???

    It is crazy. People can make up whoever they want to be on here.

  15. "Yahoo crushes"???

    Ah well...these are the same people who meet and 'fall in love' on line. However one can do that is beyond my comprehension. Although I guess that would explain all the fu**cking around going on, wouldn't it?

  16. well i think you answered your own question mami. its a fantasy. life is too freakin real and sometimes you want to escape. plus how do you know that they don't want a 600 pound one eyed freak sounds like a fetish, lol

  17. The same reason your Questions and Answers are private!

    You are living it yourself!!!

  18. There are some people on here that take peoples words and thoughts and find them interesting. It is less about looks and more about critical thought and unadulterated emotion. Some might even call it maturity.

    What you have described is actually a sense of Beauty and the Beast. By not seeing the real person visually the "voyeur" is left to use his imagination and can make that person whomever they seem fit.

    Furthermore, by the anonymity of the "net" most people dole out their real feelings, beliefs, and other emotions in a brutally honest way thereby exposing their true identity less the physical facade.

  19. True, but the same goes for pictures... How do we know that is your picture anyway? (Nice though, very pretty) I personally wouldn't post my picture... way to many creeps on here. My avatar is pretty close though.

    I really want to know what Frank Beans (and his may aliases) looks like...

    EDIT: Val, you beat me to it!

  20. I've got a huge mancrush on The Casual Poster.

  21. Actually some freak posted a question on here about YOU.  I remember your pic from his rant.  He gave your email address & the link to your myspace page & said you weren't who you say you are.  Did you know that?  I told him to stop stalking you :-)

  22. So does that mean that they guy called Quasimodo with the avatar of a 600lb, one-eyed freak is really Orlando Bloom?

    Frank - LMAO, don't we all?

  23. whats wrong with being a 600 lbs one-eyed freak?..j/k...people has nothing better to do,its meant to make friends and offer honst answers...i guess they cant find any  childish dating sites

  24. If that picture is REALLY you, I would have say that I might have a "crush" on you-sorry (LOL). Maybe we can talk more so I can get to know the person behind the beautiful picture (serious). No harm in that is there?

  25. Who has a yahoo crush?  How funny!  Haven't they ever heard that Brad Paisley song "On line".  The lyrics are hilarious, but sadly true.

    You have a real pic instead of an avatar so they may really like you:)  I'm not computer savvy enough to know how to put a real pic up but I do own a pink cowboy hat and sometime wear pigtails, so it's kinda close!

    (I have 2 eyes) lol

  26. Ha, you are soo right.

    That cracks me up too.

    I am a real man. Not an avitar.

    Where do you live darling?

    Thanks, Marty

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