
I don't get it...why is marijuana still illegal?

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Why isn't marijuana legal? Scientists have pretty much proven it's not addictive and you can't overdose on it. It doesn't kill brain cells. The government spends millions of dollars on keeping it illegal every year. It's a plant. Why do you think people still want it illegal?




  1. I have no idea why it is still illegal. That makes no sense. Besides, if they make it legal, & regulate it (like alcohol) not only will they save money (from not wasting it on the crackdown & prisons) But they can MAKE money by making it legal, & taxing it like tobacco! Besides, it would be a great investment opportunity & would add to our stock market, etc..

    *Move to Denver, Colorado-I think 1 oz is legal if you are 21 or older. "Mile High City"

    PS- I would love to become the Philip Morris of Marijuana :) $$$$$$$

    PPS-I don't even smoke it, but the crackdowns waste my tax $

  2. Because the active ingredient (THC) stores in the fatty tissues surrounding your brain cells. This causes the neurons firing from one brain cell to the next to slow down, making it difficult for you to think quickly. If it were legal we would have people running around who were dumber than they are now. People are stupid enough all ready, they don't need anything to add to their stupidity.

  3. I dont know

  4. because it is u just dot understand do you? if that wasnt illigeal everyone would be high and that means more car crashes more violence and more wrong doings think of others instead of your self

  5. I agree and if they would legalize it  they could put limits and taxes on it just like they do cigarettes and liquor and bring in some money for our economy which by the way is in the hole bigtime.

  6. Mary Jane is still a massive part of the phony war on drugs. our respective governments spend millions if not billions on this and to declassify MJ would be a big admission that all their hard work had been in vain and pointless which they aren't likely to do. the majority of voters unfortunately don't want their children having access to what they perceive to be a gateway drug that can send their children nuts. It's very sad that MJ has had such bad press, which it will continue to get because things like the wars on drugs and terror keep tyrants in power.

  7. because there is to much money to be made from it, to make it legal, the law would loose to much revenue,and the drug lords would not make any profits off of it,and money is what keeps this nation going,if you legalize it,every tom d**k and harry would have their whole backyards full of it,and that would cause a big problem for everyone,do you realize how many people would be growing that stuff,and trying to make it more potent,so to legalize it would mean restrictions on it that nobody would follow,and then another big problem would occur,man there are more reasons to keep it illegal than legal right now,and i don't see the government legalizing it no time in the near future,sorry to let you down but that is the way it is,heck i would like to see it controlled and legalized, but it will never happen in my lifetime.  

  8. Some people are dumb. If it was legal, there would not be more crashes and stuff. It would help the country. They could tax it and make money off it, and soon as the coolness wore off, not as many people would be smoking it.

    If you look at other countries that legalize it, they are not a bunch of zombies running around, they are just as civilized as us.

  9. The alchol lobby spends millions of dollars to keep it illegal because it would kill their profits the alchol lobby is the 6th most infulential group

  10. It's the liquor industry behind the payoffs.  If Boo was legal most of the heads would stay stay out of taverns and liquor stores and the government would lose millions in taxes.  

  11. because the government cant seem to make a profit from it

  12. The American cotton industry would be destroyed.  

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