
I don't get this about guys?

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I do not believe at ALL that guys like a "natural" looking girl.At every school I have gone to, the girl that all the guys like cake on their makeup to the point that they look plastic.

And there are hundreds of gorgeous natural girls and guy don't like them! I know personality matters too, though.

But guys,do you care if a girl wears a lot of makeup as long as she looks hot?

Its just so annoying because if you look at the girls on the cover of mens magazine,even when they don't show a lot of skin, they still are wearing a lot of makeup.None of it makes sense!

I'm just wondering, not to offend anyone who wears makeup!(i do too!)




  1. Your right, I like natural looking boys, lol!

  2. Men like to look at women who look trashy. They want to date women that look natural.

  3. Most guys nowadays are perverted and aren't nescesarely looking at the right kind of pretty in a girl.... but i personaly along with a lot of my friends like girls without that much makeup at all...

  4. I think it's more about taste and learned preferences than superficiality. I don't usually wear makeup, and I might be able to get more guys if I did, but quantity does not equal quality! In my experience, guys that aren't concerned with girls being made up tend to be more laid back about other things too, and that's why I prefer that type of man. It's also harder to find guys that like girls that don't wear makeup because so many guys grow up watching TV and movies and getting crushes on actresses that wear a lot of makeup for the camera. So, they end up with this standard for women that isn't necessarily the most ideal for girls to live up to! Makeup is a pain to wear and I only really wear it on special occasions and for pictures and the like, or just a little bit of makeup if I wear it on a regular day. I haven't had a lot of boyfriends, but the ones I've had have mostly been very sincere and kind. Make of that what you will!

  5. i like a natural looking girl. makeup or no makeup

  6. i think it is attractive to have a moderate amount of makeup on.  To much and it looks like you couldnt even touch the girl without messing up her makeup to little and you see rad blotchy skin and such so i thing there is a balence to how much makeupyou should have on

  7. I think this is mostly shallow guys... But i also think that most guys don't even notice a girls makeup most of the time. My husband thinks i look beautiful either way.  

  8. I personaly dont like all the makeup but if they look good then it doesnt matter either way

  9. They like the girl who cakes on her make up because she looks the easiest!!

  10. I think my girlfriend is gorgeous without any makeup, but I also find her really beautiful & particularly feminine when she is wearing plenty of it.

    But I'm always gonna think she's gorgeous, so that's kinda biased.

    For a random girl, I'd be able to take them more seriously if they weren't caked in foundation. It's just stupid to use a whole pot of blusher everyday.

    Sure, lots of makeup (an inch of foundation, blusher, thick mascara, inch-wide eyeliner) may make them look pretty [from a distance] but come on now, it says something about them. Superficial. The makeup is basically a mask...

  11. You're not going to find anyone in a magazine without makeup. The industry doesn't work that way.

    I'm assuming, by school, you're talking about high school guys.

    Many of the guys I know, 25+ like a woman natural. Or at least a woman who takes care of herself and is real.

  12. No I don't like it when a girl puts on a whole lot of make-up.

    It makes it seem like she's trying to hide something.

  13. The whole concept of make-up is rather confusing to most of us, i rarely even notice it except when it's EXTREMELY excessive or done poorly. However, from the little i do understand about make-up, it's suppose to show-off and complement the beautiful parts of one's face and cover-up the not-so beautiful parts. I guess it works, but several of my friends never wear make-up or very little, and they're still pretty hot.

  14. Natural is great when you get out of high school. Cause when you actually sleep over and you see the make up girls in the morining, you be wishing you had a natural one. Natural = longevity. Makeup = shortlived

  15. u sound like a sensable girl! i'm wondering that too. Guys r stupid. but the funny thing about it is what do the girls look like without make-up?...

  16. I wear make up but not everyday.  Guys like it when a girl has diverse features about her self.

  17. A buddy of mine dated a girl that wore a lot of makeup. It wore off through out the night, she was UUUUGLY. Some girls need the makeup, some think they do. I prefer the girls that do not require heavy loads of makeup, and besides, that way you know what you are getting.

  18. Nope. Only some guys like girls with make up. I get mad at my gf even for putting on some lip gloss.

  19. Look at the guys that these girls are attracting. Are they the kind of guy you want to attract? If so, cake on the make up like they do but I would rather attract the type of guy that likes me for me. These guys exist but maybe you just aren't really into the real guys. Examine your own priorities and figure out what you really want. Good luck!

  20. personally it think girls that put on lots of makeup look ugly i mean theres this girl one year she used hardly any make up and was cool the next year she  had lots of makeup and acted like she was all that and it was the ugliest girl i have ever seen

  21. some guys are superficial, some aren't

  22. I like the natural look.

  23. I wear makeup too.

    I don't get it either;

    but another thing I don't get,

    they pick surton people of the people that wear makeup.

    I also think guys only pick the girls that stuff and control the whole school

  24. Nope, all guys don't. There are those out there who want the most Barbie-like girl, the one wearing pounds and pounds of makeup.

    Usually, though, more mature guys will want natural looking girls. Those are the guys you want to date. They will be far better in the long term.

  25. a lot of girls look good with out make up and i think thats better cuz ther different from the b|tches lol plus when ur goin out and waitin for the girl u dun hav 2 wait 2evr 4 her 2 do her make up

  26. when it come to make up, for me less is best

  27. It depends on what type of guy you're looking for. If you look for those goodlooking shallow guys...then of course they're going to be superficial. Most guys don't really like all that junk on the girls face...but some guys like how their girl puts it on just for them. You'll find your guy...with or without make up on.

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