
I don't get this joke...

by Guest63495  |  earlier

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There was a truck driver.He was driving his truck, and there was a cookie in the back. The cookie in the back began to jump around. So the driver stopped the truck, and told the cookie to stop jumping. He began to drive again, but the cookie began to jump again. So he stopped again and told the cookie to stop jumping. He began to drive again, but the cookie started jumping again. So the driver went back and said to the cookie, "If you dont stop jumping, I'm going to throw you into the ocean!" So he began to drive again. The cookie started jumping again. So he stopped the truck, and went to the back.

Then he threw the cookie into the ocean.




  1. pretty sure thats not a joke but a waste of time. . .

  2. i have no clue

    just like you

  3. I think that would be hilarious to a five year old yeah I don't get it either.

  4. Well,I don't get it either....

  5. That's hilarious.

  6. i think the joke is that there is no joke. but the cookie is kinda comical.  

  7. Well I guess that's how the cookie crumbles...

  8. I can see why you don't get it, I don't either !!

  9. I didn't get the punch line...

  10. theres a second part to the joke:

    Mk mk mk let me tell you another joke:

    there's a couple right? and they're on a cruise. the guy wants to propose to the girl but is afraid on how to do it. one night he's pacing the deck of the ship with the ring in his hand when all of a sudden... HE TRIPS! and he sends the ring flying overboard. Later the next day at dinner, the girl orders fish and guess what she finds?.....



    whoever told you that joke didn't tell it right.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  12. there is no joke, waste of time.

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