
I don't have a conscience?

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-feel utterly hopeless

-have no friends

-can't feel things most ppl feel, like love, caring

i am also quite sure that i don't possess a conscience. I do have fear & anxiety, which would stop me from doing something criminal... but as far as real, genuine caring for the human race...I do not give a blip about people.

Motto: No one cares about me so why should i care about them?

Why am i like this.....can anyone marginally relate?




  1. I used to not have one too...I can remember when it started coming back....its not that u werent born with one, as in, there is something missing from you,or wrong with you, but just that if you have ignored it, it will eventually die away. But it will come back if you feed it by listening to it, I did, I started listening to it when I was 16 and now its back for good.

    I used to feel empty as stuff, but now thats gone. Sometimes I still feel so full of hate tho, its an emotion that I feel easily, as is anger, but I am also a total softie, one of the most emotional and sentimental people I know, so I generally dont dwell on the hate and although I dont excuse bad behaviour, I dont let it upset me. After a while, the hatred goes, it only stays of you let it.

    I would, in ur situation, try imagining what my counscience would say, and then doing it. Like...its nice to give 20p to charity, or to refrain from stealing that cigarrette off my parents etc (im 23 now, but at 16, that was one of the 1st times I decided to obey my almost non existent conscience).so try doing that...ur conscience can be quietened but it will not die.....u can yune back into it, by simply wanting to hear it and imagining it, after all, its not a "voice" as such, just the good side of ur personality that u can let shine through if you want to...and if you know the difference between right and wrong (e.g. its wrong to steal - even if you dont believe it, you still have heard it said) then you have a conscience. Its not a "voice" more a "choice".

    I can relate to what you write tho....i used to really really be so full of self hatred that i couldnt talk to anyone, I couldnt even look anyone in the eye, cause I was sure they would see a pathetic excuse for a human being before them, and I wanted to avoid that, so I never spoke. I even went to uni like that. Its only now, im 23, that I have some confidence back and am able to talk to people and strangers.

    It just happened for a number of reasons I cant really go into here. But is it possible that ur being a teeny bit too hard on urself?

    whats so wrong with you? If you cant see anything, then there isnt. Forget past experiences. You have to. And APPROVE of yourself. Whe you see all the vain, arrogant, compassionless people who approve of themselves and have massive egos, when they have little to actually credit themselves with, think how much more you could credit urself with! surely ur better than that!! Most people are their own best advocate, they have problems keeping their ego DOWN to size and in line with reality, but you are the seem to have turned ur ego inside out and now its ur own worst critic and the thing thats keeping you down. You have to give urself a chance. Let urself breathe. Be kinder to ur inner self. Feeling something bad dosent make u a bad person, youd be suprised how many ppl feel bad emotions, but pretend they dont. We all do, but you are just very honest with yours. But ur feelings dont define you, they are like weather that comes and goes. But you are like the land have to find out who you are, and yes ur feelings can be a guide, but not every singe last one....your likes and dislikes are a good place to start. Good luck Hope ur life sorts itself out and u get happy x

  2. If you have no conscience your a psychopath.

  3. Just out of curiosity, were you raised with any religious beliefs?

    I felt like this for a long time during adolescence.  What I found was that helping others (I was a volunteer because I needed the work experience) gave me back my sense of humanity.  The less I interact with people, the less I miss them.  Try getting out from in front of your square-headed girlfriends (the "intarweb" and television) and start dedicating yourself to something that involves others, like sports or volunteering or a book club or something.  Don't let yourself turn into an android or tinman.

  4. well i used to be kind of a nihilist, only i tried to be deliberately immoral to prove my point. only i fell in love and everything changed. for the first time i really, really cared about someone. i suppose you have to prove to yourself that you can feel. either by doing something loving and feeling sublimity and satisfaction, or doing something shocking and aweful and feeling bad and regretful.

  5. Get saved go to church and get saved

  6. its called being a psychopath, about 1/100 person is. People who are psychopaths have a hard time feeling emotions that come naturally to other people. either that or you're experiencing teenage angst, lol.

  7. I can't relate exactly because I feel remorse if I hurt someone. But it sounds like it could be hurt turned askew because you said no one cares about you. I hope that's not true...  But if it is, then let me be the first.  I care.

    I hope you can find your heart someday and that you can be happy. No one should have to feel utterly hopeless like you describe.  

  8. yup your a robot.

  9. I can relate. I feel that nobody loves or cares about me either. I think you do have a conscience, since you are a human being. Your conscience probably doesn't talk to you yet because you figure things out on your own. You're an independent person, and you listen to yourself. I'm the same way. I can give you advice that I give to myself: only YOU know what is right for YOU and you will know if you're doing anything wrong. I'm sure your problem will only be temporary. Good luck to you.  

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