
I don't have a horse so this is just a vague question. How do you get your horse to jump? I mean will he ?

by  |  earlier

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automatically do it when you canter up to the jump or do you have to pull up on the reins once your at the jump? Just curious from watching the olympics. And, I know he has to be a trained jumping horse.




  1. The horse jumps automatically when he gets to the jump. Jumping is the horse's responsibility. The rider's responsibilities are direction, speed, rhythm, and balance. So the rider tells him which jump to jump and is responsible for getting him there in a stride such that the can jump, but the horse has to to the actual jumping.  

  2. Jumping is a natural instinct for horses - like walking to humans.

    no no no - you never pull on the reins while going over a jump.

    If the horse sees the jump then he should jump it, unless the striding is wrong, he cant jump it, and other factors that i could go into depth about.  

  3. Horses will jump automatically most of the time, but it's up to the rider ot get up into two point, which is where they get out of the saddle, and up onto the neck more, but they don't get on the neck, they release, putting their hands halfway or more up the neck, so their horse has the rein to jump freely. It is up to the rider to direct the horse to the fence, to get a good pace, make sure the horse is balanced and ready to jump.

    Now, you'd be able to jump any horse small fences, but like you said, a horse that is jumping as high as they do at the olympics, they do need to be trained, and they are taken very good care of to make sure that they do not get hurt.

  4. Well the rider, as they are going up to the jump gets into what's called 2-point  where they get out of the saddle so the horse can jump.right before the jump the rider applies leg and the horse jumps. Most horses will just do it automatically, but some will try to get out of it.

  5. Do not pull up on the reins! That will make the horse stop.  you can trot or canter to a jup and use your leg to motivate him to jump.  you should be in 2 point position(if you aren't familiar, its leaning foward and supporting your body with your legs, but don't lean on his neak.  If you want to try, I'd take some lessons and have an instructor explain to you.  Good luck.

  6. Here is a very good description of 2 Point Position as well.

  7. Pulling up on the reins would make a horse stop.  You obviously weren't watching close enough. Horses can jump naturally

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