
I don't have any friends to be bridesmaids at my wedding. What should I do?

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I think my boyfriend is going to propose soon. We have been discussing weddings a lot and where to have our reception and ceremony. My boyfriend has some close friends...or at least one guy I know he definitely wants to be his best man. I don't have any friends that are close enough that I would want them in my wedding. It's kind of embarrassing, I know, and I really hate to ask my cousins to do it because I'm not really close with them either. It will look stupid to me if my boyfriend has a lot of attendants and I don't. Even if my boyfriend just has a best man and I have nothing will look really stupid to me. What should I do?




  1. Personally, if you are worried about that suggest an inimate ceremony. You will need at least two witnesses to sign the register but other than that, you won't need attendants. Find a female family member that you are close to (it can't be your parent though, I don't think) and then have him pick the male he'd like as his witness.

    The reception can still be whatever you want it to be, but by making the ceremony intimate and smaller (without bridesmaids/groomsmen) it will not only be personal, but help you!

    Hope that helps!

  2. Do you have any sisters? Another option is waiting until it gets closer to the date the ask someone. I have been engaged for about a year now. I have mentally changed who I want to be a bridesmaid in my wedding about five times. Lots of things can happen between now and your wedding. Some friends I was really close to at the time of my engagement, I rarely talk to anymore. One friend I met in a class this year has become a much closer friend to me than any of the people I originally chose. You are not even engaged yet, so you have plenty of time to find someone to be your maid of honor.

    As far as finding other bridesmaids, maybe he could only have a best man. If he has any other close friends, they can be ushers, in charge of the bachelor party, the guest book etc. They are guys, I'm sure they will not mind playing a small role or no role in the wedding ;)

  3. Sit down and think about the people that you email or txt the most you have someone they are just so close you are not thinking about them.

  4. My mother only had 1 bridesmaid when she married. Maybe have your sister or one of cousins to be your bridesmaid.

  5. Does your boyfriend have a sister? Use her. Do you have a sister? Or a close friend or co-worker? Those are all possibilities.

  6. ask your family, if not just meet new people and get to to know them and invite them to your wedding.  

  7. When my best friend from college got married she had her LIFE LONG best friend be her maid of honor.  I was the best man for her  Do you like any of your boyfriend's friends enough to let them stand with you in your ceremony? There is NO set number for the wedding party.  It can be as big as your idea and budget will allow.

  8. its a tricky one, because you don't want to look stupid by asking someone your not close to but also you dont want to look equaly stupid by not having anyone.

    maybe try ask any sisters you have? or just have a quiet word with a cousin, im sure they would love to be bridesmaid.. no one is going to be annoyed that you asked them, most people love the idea of getting dressed up for a wedding.

    im sure they would be honered.

    or maybe your mum could be maid of honor or mother in law, im sure they would appreciate that.

    what you have to do is swallow your pride and just ask, it wont be as bad as you think :)

    good luck.

  9. have some of your cousins or relatives do it.

  10. I will probably have the same problem when the time comes for me although i have nieces that wld be happy to take the place.

    and my g*y best friend will be my maid of honor.  he is the only one worthy of that position.

    Try not to worry about it.  Why dont you ask your mam or a male friend that you have and luv to bits.

    i understand you want a big wedding and that is more the issue.

    is there no one at work who you love to bits or why dont you go out with your boyfriends best mans girlfriend/wife become close to them

  11. run away to vegas with him and get married there

  12. Hi.  I'm not trying to be mean....but WHY don't you have any friends?  Do you work?  Go to school?  Go to a gym?  Are you in any clubs?  Do you simply spend all of your time with your boyfriend?  Who were your friends before your boyfriend came along?  

    Everyone needs friends.  You need to join things, get a job, go to college, whatever and meet some girlfriends that you can socialize with.  There are endless places to meet people....get out and meet people.

    But, in any case, if you don't, then just go with the best man.  That is all you can do.

  13. hunny, i'm in the same boat as you. i think my boyfriend is going to propose soon b/c we have been talking about weddings a lot, etc...well he has a lot more friends than me too, and i kinda got worried. but then i started thinking, this is 2008! there are no rules for weddings. he can have 10 on his side if he wants, but i still just want my sister there. i want as little fuss as possible on my day, and the least amount of women that i have to worry about, the better. embrace it! i know it's still early, but congrats anyways!

  14. Do you have a brother or male relative you are close to that could be your man of honour instead? If you don't then don't then just ask him if he'll have just 1 best man and no groomsmen and see if hes ok with that, that'll look fine in pictures

  15. If you have any sisters, they could do it, or any other close family members.  You might just have to break down and ask your cousins if you really want someone.  Also, think about if you're putting age constraints on who it could be.  I have several friends who are younger than me, so maybe you haven't considered people who aren't your age.  I don't know.  I hope you find someone.  Also, maybe you could ask your boyfriend not to have bridesmaids and groomsmen.  My cousin's wedding didn't have any.  He might understand.

  16. Ask your boyfriend if he knows ladies that would be your brides maid.

  17. There must be one other person in your life that is almost as important as your boyfriend.  Even if its a guy, you could have him/her stand up with you.  Or don't have anyone at all.  I don't see any reason to choose someone just to have a warm body up there.  As everyone says, it's your wedding - do what you want.

    Good Luck!

  18. That's a hard one. Do your cousins have any friends or someone you can ask? If you really need to you could hire someone through the yellow pages, but I hope you find someone that's too bad you don't have more peoplle to share your special day with. Does your boyfriend know anyone you might be able to ask that you are close to from his side.

  19. Its a little early to be that concerned about this. But since I understand, maybe your mother? or an aunt that you were close to? Maybe you have a guy friend that can stand on your side. No matter what, it is never wierd to have a different bridal party, its just different. Don't worry too much about what people think.

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