
I don't have insurance, but I am licensed to drive a car. If I drive someone else's car, am I covered?

by  |  earlier

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In other words, does the owner of the vehicle's insurance cover me?




  1. There is a bunch of useful information like articles,pictures,videos here to help answer your quetion.

  2. That depends on their insurance.

  3. Only if their policy allows someone other than those named on the policy itself.  Meaning, just because they said you can drive it, they may have their policy set that they won't pay for someone else's damages.

    Ask before your borrow their car.

  4. Their insurance will pay but you may also be required to pay.  If you own a car, you should carry insurance.  If you don't own a car but have substantial assets to protect, contact an insurance agent and ask if an umbrella policy would cover that exposure.

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