
I don't have money to buy clothes for school?

by  |  earlier

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any ideas what i should do




  1. save up , wear ur old clothes, thirft stores, get a job

  2. I don't know In what Grade you are in but I assume that you are in K-12.

    Just take some jeans and a shirt you barely wore to school, And wear it. I did not get any clothes for the last 2 school years because of financial reasons in my family... That's all I can say I hope I helped..  

  3. ever heard of borrowing? You can also get a loan from the bank and pay it back later but youre going to skl just like me so i guess maybe you should stick with borrowing

  4. dont your parents buy for you?

    go to forever21 they are pretty cheap

    and urban outfitters has really nice sales.

  5. where do u live? try to look for a joyce leslie, mandee, urban behavior, DEB or something similar. their clearance is like 3-4 bucks a piece. u dont have to buy designer stuff.... just make sure u work tastefully with what u have and can afford. and make sure u dress clean and neat (well ironed :))

    hitting a local thrift store is a great idea. all u have to do if have patience and a good eye.

    another thing i'd suggest is that if u can get just plain t shirts and shirts from a thrift store for 50 cents to like 2 dollars max u can perform some t shirt surgeries. I do this all the time and some ppl actually try to buy those off from me. all u have to do is think creatively. order some free catalogs from delia, la redoute, new poert news etc and try to get an idea how to make ur plain shirts real trendy outfits.

    ever heard of generation t? not everything is nice in this book but still u can get great ideas. u can gets this book at the local library and a few others like tease, rip it etc.

  6. Any money at all?

    If you have some money go to Plato's Closet

    It's used nice clothes with brands like American Eagle etc for cheap prices

    Jeans as low as $10-$15!

    If you absoulotely have no money,

    get a job!

    If you are old enough it should be simple

    grocery store, supermarket, mall stores

    If you are around 13-14

    You can work at small restaurants doing dishes for minimum wage

    or you can ask your parents to do chores around the house for money (:

    Ask neigbors or landlords if they need help mowing lawns or cleaning laundry rooms etc.


  7. Work with what you have.  If you have a sewing machine, in no time, you could have a whole new wardrobe.  If you have a few extra bucks buy some killer shoes or a belt or two at the dollar store.  Be thrifty, head to thrift stores even, I mean, yes, a little shabby if your more of the classy lady but hey, if you don't have much to work with, work with watcha got.

    Hope to hear that you've got some killer style soon!  =D


  8. save up any holiday money or birthday money you recieve .

    do some extra work around the house

    and simply qet a job

    qood luck :)

  9. get a job  

  10. try revising old clothes. Sew up holes, maybe give them some dye. I do that and I have money for new clothes. I've been using mine for 2 years, and have been using my shoes for 3 and the all look brand new

  11. -get a job

    -save your money that you earn

    -save your money from presents

    -dont buy freakishly expensive clothes

  12. save up. get a job.

  13. go to a local thrift store, you can find stuff and and add accesories and make it unique. Forever 21 has some cheap clothes. They have clothes that are Fabulous buys that are cheap. here is the link

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