
I don't have time to recycle, and i drive a really big truck, i don't know i feel safer,?

by  |  earlier

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and it looks really cool, im a big guy and if i drove somethig smaller people might feel sorry for me. so can i just buy some carbon credits and call it even?




  1. One would be gullible to think a pickup truck is safer than a car. Since the auto makers are subject to different rules for trucks, they lack much of the interior safety, body protection and road handling of other vehicles. Another advantage to the maker is that they aren't included in the CAFE [Corporate Average Fuel Economy] figures.

    It was a good marketing ploy while there was plentiful fuel, but big vehicles are harder to sell than a house, today.

  2. Gas prices will catch up to you my friend.

  3. you SHOULD have time to recycle, i mean, put all your bottles and stuff next t your trash can, and whenever you have free time, just take them and recycle them. If you tell me you dont have ANY free time, your tottaly lieing

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