
I don't have to ask because i know channel 7 is pathetic and bloody terrible. ?

by  |  earlier

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they will still get thousands of people watching because its the only channel other then sbs showing the Olympics. AND some commentators on the channel 7 Olympics is terrible, i hate the comments during the gaming events. They are so bias and are pretty much like oh this & that because Australia athletes aren't winning always EXCUSES. W T F is wrong with channel 7????? oh btw why the h**l do channel 7 always change the event if Australia isn't winning????




  1. i have no clue!!!! lol;...

  2. i suppose they change it so that the viewers here what they want about how great there country is

  3. Yes, as an American, I don't really care if Americans win or not.  Sometimes you just want to see some wonderfully conditioned human do something remarkable and it doesn't matter where they come from really.  The idiot chauvinism of the whole thing is a bit annoying.  Here if the US isn't in the running to win or place, forget it.  

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