
I don't know how I'm going to make enough money to do this!? =(?

by  |  earlier

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I'm nearly 16, and I've always wanted to buy my own house and have a large property so I can own a few horses.

My family isn't rich, we're renting and at the end of the week we have no money left. We are just getting by.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to make enough money by myself so I can do this when I'm older. And when I say older I don't mean 50. I want this when I'm in my 20's.

I don't even have $1000 saved, but I am trying. I have a job but I'm only earning around $100 a month when school is on. I plan on going through to year 12 so I can't work full time.

What are some things I can do to help me reach my goal?





  1. Just enjoy school for know.  When you go to college major in what you really want to do with your life.  

    As you get older you will understand now much easier it will be to buy a house like the one your talking about.

    try opening a student savings account.  start putting a little away now.

  2. keep doing what you are doing.  Right now, you are only in high school so you do not have a lot of options.  Budget your money so you can plan to put x amount of money away each paycheck.  Then, only spend the money that you budgeted to be spent.  To do this, write down how much you get a month.  Then, subtract any bills you may have (cell phone maybe?  can't think of anything else for someone in high school)  Then figure out if you need to buy anything that month and subtract that amount out.  Subtract a little bit out for recreation... maybe a movie or something... then whatever is left should go into a savings account.  You should look into maybe putting it in a CD or Roth IRA possibly since they have higher interest rates.  Have your parents take you to the bank so you can discuss savings options, and figure out which one is best for you.

    Maybe you can ask neighbors and family friends if they need help babysitting or mowing the lawn.  That will help you rack up some more money.  If you are a good student, maybe start tutoring people to earn a little more as well.

    I might delay your goal, but if you go to college you could get a better job when its over.  Of course you would have to pay back your student loans and everything... so you may have to wait until you are a little older to have your house and horses.

    Maybe you could get a job at a place that likes to promote from within and has tuition reimbursement programs... that way you could be promoted to better position with better pay AND they will pay for most, if not all, of your college.

    Good luck with everything!

  3. First thing you need to do is change your point of view.  Just coming from poor doesn't mean you have to be poor.  I am a living example of that.  In fact, that is the best single thing you can do.  Believe in yourself and you will see opportunity where others see none.  okay so maybe you start with a low paying job.. at least choose something that you can learn something from and leverage to get a better job.  Apply yourself to all you do, keeping your goal ahead of you.  And no matter what, choose your lover/spouse with great care, again, keeping your goal, and not your lust in front of you.  A good selection in a mate will believe in your dreams and help you get closer, not drain you and sidetrack you with drama.

  4. Move to an area with a lower cost of living, so that this dream of yours will be affordable. For example, what might cost 5,000,000 in NY would cost 200,000 in say Oklahoma.

  5. You are actuially on the right track.  You have a goal and a desire to achieve it.  Take a small bit of each $100 and stash it away.  I know of people who have done this with spare change and acquired quite a bit that way.  Just keep doing it and don't stop.

  6. stay in school and get a really really good education. Then go to more school, and and get a degree. Graduating from High School will help you get a better paying job.

  7. go to college.

  8. Invest your money in CD's at the bank.  This will earn money in 5 or 10 years.  Try finding part time jobs such as mowing lawns, shoveling, raking, house cleaning, babysitting.  Make a poster offering services.  When you have money to buy a house it may not start with a dream house with horses.  Your 1st house may be more of an investment.  You can turn around and sell it to upgrade in 5 years and will make money as long as the economy is good.  If you fix up the house it will pay off to bring in larger profits.  Watch some of the show on HGTV and get advise.  

    As for now keep saving and don't worry because you are already further ahead than many 16 year olds.  Make sure you don't neglect your education because the better you do in school the better your chances are to receive scholarships toward college and going to college will afford you the better paying jobs that will afford you the home you desire.

  9. work hard through school and university, the suceed in a full time job and with the money you make, hire an acountant and make investments. it should pay off. not time for love and family though if you want to accompluish this

  10. go to college so when your done you can get paid more

  11. Don't have children.... they cost alot of $$ believe me. (sounds bad but its true LOL)

    Also do go to college!

    If you keep living with your parents for some time after you turn 18 you can save A LOT of money!

  12. Great start!

    Start young and you will do great if you make a plan now and stick to it.

    Watch (cut?) your spending

    Look for extra money, there are plenty of ways

    I agree with the college advice because it will open more doors. I could not do it because my parents were always fighting and I could not stay home any longer. And I love too many things to bury myself in just one topic for years.

    Maybe you can try and find a job taking care of other people's horses for them? You could learn tons about what it takes to make your dream come true.

    Your savings - do not touch them for anything other than a downpayment on your first home.

    Good luck you future Large Property Owner :)

  13. If I'd only started stripping when I was younger and had no self respect, I'd have paid off all my student loans long ago.

    It's always an option, and I bet they let you clean your own pole.

  14. Read "Rich Dad Poor Dad". It will help you make sense of finance and how to develop financial intelligence.

  15. Well im a single mother now and when I left I swore my kids would still have all the things they had when I was married to include their horses......with no child support or family around it hasnt been easy but the only thing that saved me was having MY COLLEGE DEGREE!!  It's guaranteed to open many many doors. Please take my hard and finish college no matter what it takes or costs. It will make all the difference in your life and possibly your future family's not to mention you'll have security no one can take away!!  COLLEGE is a necessity otherwise you'll always work so much harder for half the benefits!!  Please take my advice...

  16. At the age of 16 you should be doing what other average 16 year olds are doing....However, you may not be like other 16 year olds so in that case what you should do is have a plan...But a plan that is realistic.

    You must first crawl before you walk, and walk before you run..etc. So with that said take advantage of the time you have without a mortgage and get a college education..

    An education is a tool, just like money is a tool to get the things you want, an education will be a tool that will help you make good money....thus allowing you to make good money, that in turn help you make your dreams come true.

    Stay focused......make your plan , and follow your dreams...

  17. p**n is always an option, if you live near Nevada prostitution too, near either border? consider being a drug mule.

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