
I don't know how i leave a message to jonas brothers from algeria?

by  |  earlier

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hi i am from Algreria i don't know if i can't leave a massage to jonas brothers and i don't know how ? please help me because i want to leave for them a message




  1. Um, you ARE 12 aren't you??

    Go to their website...

  2. i don't care if you don't believe me, The Jonas Brothers are from New Jersey USA and my cousins grew up with them. They are really good friends... It's cool. I've never met them though, I barely even know who they are, I don't like them... I don't know how you would contact them

  3. Are you Muslim, if so why you are asking about theme.

    I can't believe !

    They still lay to convert pepole to there Sect!

    Be Warned about !

  4. It depends on what you want to leave them a message on.

  5. Try adding them on myspace

    Also try their site

    Hope I helped

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