
I don't know how my dog died she got dizzy and fell she wouldn't drink eat or stand up she was fine before?

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I don't know how my dog died she got dizzy and fell she wouldn't drink eat or stand up she was fine before?




  1. Most likely a stroke, seizure or a heart attack.  Just like in people often there are no symtoms for these things.  It wasn't your fault.

  2. I am so sorry for you loss!!

  3. It is just not possible for anyone to tell you why your dog died on the internet with the information which you gave.  You should have a necropsy done to determine the cause.  It is possible that it was poison or depending upon her age, it could have been a medical condition.  Is it possible that she either got into poison bait that is used for mice and/or rats?  Or could she have eaten a mouse or rat which had been poisoned from eating bait?  

    There are many medical conditions which have symptoms like you described.  It could be a stroke, an aneurysm, or a heart attack.  However, I would put my money one it being a poison of some kind.

  4. Heart Attack? Sorry to hear about your loss.

  5. The only way you will know for sure what she died from is by having a necropsy done by the vet.  Sorry for your loss.

  6. Sorry for your loss.

    Check your driveway for puddles of antifreeze. It will look kinda greenish. Dogs and cats love it because it's sweet tasting, but it's lethal. It's a possibility.

    Please clean it up if you find some so no one else has to lose their pet.

  7. Could have been a stroke, you won't know unless you have a necropsy done.

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