
I don't know how to cope?

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My parents never taught me how to cope with someone dying, I'm a very...very sensitive person, When I was 11 and I thought my parents were going to get a divorce I sat on the couch crying for 2 hours, My stomach felt horrible and I felt like I was just going to die.

I don't know what's going to happen when they die, I will not be able to cope with that kind of loss. I love them so much, they are SO close to me, I want to spend as much time as I possibly can with them. I just love them so much and I don't know how I'm going to deal with it when they die.....They just never taught me how to cope with this kind of stuff..




  1. it is hard, but you have to eventually let it all go, and concentrate on the positive things in your life. like, your friends, or relatives, or a new job. there will always be something to keep your mind off them, but there will also be times when you'll be reminded of them. hold on to all the good memories you have of them, and most importantly, don't lose sight of the kind of life they'd want you to have. make them proud. don't be afraid to let others into your life. and learn all that you can to be able to look after yourself on your own. for example, if you don't already, learn how to cook, how to do laundry, how to iron your clothes, how to clean after yourself. the most important of these would be getting a job, because it would be a way of supporting you financially and to make something of yourself. learn everything you can at school to gain more knowledge, and hopefully get into college which will offer you the best opportunity to actually get a job that you want.  

  2. It would be easier to answer this question, if you had said how old you are now.  Assuming you are an adult....

    I would also consider myself to be a sensitive person, and a number of close members of my family have also died while young (including my mother when I was 7).  You have to continue with your life, because there are no other worthwhile options.

    There is a saying that says "God never exposes anyone to a situation, that he doesn't believe you can cope with".

      I can understand your fear - I cannot imagine a life without my children.  But that is the price of loving someone with all your heart.

  3. Stop this train of thought immediately. You are in effect worrying about something that HASN'T HAPPENED and pulling it into your own here and now. Stop this right now. Stop feeling sorry for yourself about something that HASN'T HAPPENED.

    Here's the thing - you're not the only sensitive person out there. And even the most sensitive person LEARNS TO COPE when they are actually in the situation. You would be surprised at how strong you are when you have to be.

    Now, stop imagining demons where there aren't any and start getting on with your life as it is. And no more of this!

  4. You can't really teach someone to cope with death, b/c no one really knows what happens after we die.

    My mom died when I was 19.  She was sick when I was little, had a heart and double lung transplant when I was 8.  She became healthy again and lived a happy 11 years.  

    She did a great job of explaining to me what would happen if she died.  Who I would live with and all the people around me who love me and would help me if I needed help.  That was comforting to me being young, knowing that there was a plan, kinda.  So maybe ask one of them, what would happen if they died.  What would they want you to do?  I'm sure that it might be hard, but think of how you want to tell them, what you might say.  Then find a good time ( like a car ride ) to talk to them.

    Love you parents, respect them, be generous with your time, find family things to do.  But instead of worrying, about them dying, try living the best life you can.  Make happy memories that will be with you always. Try to make them proud, and try to stay away from harsh words, b/c they stick with you after they are gone.  And you say, why did I ever say that to her?

    Be the best you, you can be, the rest will take care of itself.

    Good luck

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