
I don't know how to explain it but just please read this?????

by Guest33502  |  earlier

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i have these really scary thoughts in my head like that's there's someone behind me and i also hear these strange noises like someone is walking to me. and when i watch scary movies with my friends i still remember them years after and scared that it could happen to me and the scary object would be behind me? also im only 13 what would you call this?? it is mostly at night before i go to bed and when i'm alone




  1. it sounds like you're developing a phobia. ease down on the scary movies, ghost shows, and anything creepy on the internet. if you start to get scared still i'd see a doctor.

  2. Sounds fairly normal for a 13-year-old.  Do yourself a favor and lay off the scary movies already.  If you hear noises that aren't there, that's different, get help, that's an auditory hallucination.  If you're just noticing real noises and imagining they're from something scary, that's pretty common.

  3. Stay away from scary movies and don't hear the scary stories either, but in the meantime, talk to God and every night say a prayer.  Get a Bible for your room and each night read from it.  Get a book marker and each night read a little more.  Ask God to protect and help you and to always be there for you and He will.

  4. I would not watch any kind of scary movie.  AT ALL.

    Honestly if it's been going on for a while, regardless of what you watch, I'd go ahead and ask your doctor about it.  You're pretty impressionable right now and I can't believe your parents let you watch that c**p.  I'm 35 and can't watch that stuff.

    I do believe you should tell your parents and ask them to make an appointment to see your doctor concerning this and do not let them (your parents) tell you it's all in your head.  My oldest son talked to the walls for a couple of years and complained of hearing voices and it turned out that he has a mental disorder.  I'm not saying that's what is wrong with you, but if you are constantly re-living images you saw in a movie years later, there is something wrong.  Go get it checked out.

  5. i felt the same way,  i watched ammity ville horror when i was about 14 and had to sleep in my moms room for a year and it stll scares me and im 23. just dont watch scary movies...just dont! i really dont know what to tell you cause im still that way, just know god is with you i guess.

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