When my son was 17 months old he began climbing out of his crib and falling down. We bought him a toddler bed and he just loved it. He didn't have a problem going to sleep at 8:00 or staying in bed. During the summer, my husband and I became less routine and let things go. My son was falling asleep on the couch watching TV or going to bed with me. Now he's almost 2, he has an attitude, and isn't sleepy until 9:30 or 10:00 and fights us until one of us stays in his room with him until he falls asleep. He also tells us there's a dragon or moose in his closet and that he's "cared" (scared) Now, not only do I have to battle defiance and work hard for a routine again, I have to help him overcome a fear of the dark and his imaginary creatures. I am going to try a sleepy time routine and putting him in bed by 8:00. If he runs out I'll just keep putting him in his room. But, I'm afraid of making his fears worse? Has anyone else dealt with a similar issue? Any tips or success stories?