Well I'm 13 nearly 14 and my Dad doesn't live with me. When I was 4 my dad moved out and was with his affair partner as soon as he moved out. To make matters worse and to make my mum more heartbroken then she actually was, my dad and his partner tried to take the house and put me and my mum in a council house and take my mums new car. Obviously his plans didn't work but the pain he caused was unbelievable. He moved close by and I used to go see him 3-4 times a week. But when i was nine, he moved 4 hours away up north. I absolutely love it up north but i had to stay down south with my mum (not that i wanted to live with him) I now only see him every 4 months for 1-2 weeks at a time, even though he promised to see me every fortnight. But every 2-3 weeks I get down and sometimes really depressed. When i go to see him I cant speak to him, because Rachel (Woman he had the affair with, now the wife) is constantly with him. She won't let me have ANY time with him on my own. I love him so much and I don't even know why, because when I go there i find out loads and loads of stuff about him that i should know. He also had 2 children with Rachel, 5 and 3. When i go up there i feel as though I'm watching the family, not actually in the family. And I don't like to admit it, but I'm jealous of my two sisters for having time with dad and he pays more attension to them even when im there.....
Thank you so much for reading me going on and on! But please help me, and give me tips on how to work this out! Laura xxxxxxxx