
I don't know how to swim and I am going to the military. Will they teach me how to swim and fight and how?

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I don't know how to swim and I am going to the military. Will they teach me how to swim and fight and how?




  1. Can you be more specific? Which branch of the military?

  2. The only branch I know that you "have" to swim in is the marines and the navy. I have friends and family that are airforce and army and cant swim at all.

    lol I cant swim either, but my hubby can and he will take me out in the middle of a pool and then fake letting me go...aww I miss him. Oh I digress. I see him at the end of the month :)

  3. dude do yourself a favor and get into boxing if your main reason for joining is to be transformed into a bada$$ a$$kicking motherf*cker becouse it wont happen.

  4. In every branch there is a swim requirement test during boot camp. If you fail, you will be put into a lower platoon until you can pass. Basically you will be set back a couple weeks from your graduation date. You sound like a kid who needs to do some serious research before you even enlist.

  5. They'll tech you in the boot camp but I don't think they'll teach you how to fight for all program. They do have physical training thou.

  6. First off, Army basic does not include swimming at all, I am a soldier and the only water we saw was rain and showers, and canteens.

    The Marines and Navy will assess your swimming ability and if you need help, you will receive remedial swimming lessons so you can be up to par.

    The fighting skills such as hand to hand are branch specific also. The Army uses a jujitsu style of defense that is mostly grappling. Other branch members will have to respond on their own training. The Navy AW uses tae kwon do and/or boxing. You will be capable of fulfilling your duties when you graduate basic/boot.  

  7. There are certainly easier ways to learn to swim, see your local park district.

    I was in the army during the Viet Nam era. None of my training or subsequent service required me to swim or wade through water any higher than my shoulders.  Still, it would not be a bad skill to have.

    Your branch of service will teach you how to fight.

    You will have no time during basic training for swimming classes, but if you get stationed anywhere near water (or a pool) ask around, swimming instructors like pupils.


  8. coast guard, navy and Marines will teach you how to swim others will not.

  9. Teach? I wouldn't call it teaching. I think it is more of an asessment of your swimming skills. When I was in, they jusst wanted to know if you were a good swimmer. If you were a "sinker" they tought you basic water survival skills, how to float.

  10. well...

    be more specific.

    WHEN are you going to the military?

    WHERE are you going?

    my suggestion would be to just learn very quickly

    it takes no time at all

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