
I don't know how to tell my friend...?

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I don't know how to tell my friend that I won't be able to go to Laughlin with her after so much talk. This all has to do with my financial issues. I'm super broke!! This is a childhood friend that I haven't seen in a few years and it was supposed to be like a reunion trip. So anyway I don't know how she will react and I'm afraid that she won't want to invite me to another trip and that she will think I'm a flake. This is really depressing me since I feel like I need to see my friend before I die and I was really looking forward to this..Help me out here




  1. Be honest and tell her the truth. A real friend will understand and won't let it affect your friendship.  

  2. well if shes a true friend, she will understand, and might even be able to loan you money.  just tell her that you're really sorry and u feel soooo bad, but you know what?  in the end, you will see if shes a true friend or not by how she reacts to the news.  if shes understanding and supportive, and might be able to help you make it, then ok, shes a keeper.  if she gets nasty with you, and threatens to never invite you again, then she wasn't worthy of your friendship to begin with.  just talk to her like an adult about it, and see where it goes.  most people who are true friends would be disappointed, but not hate you over it.  its not the end of the world.  u guys can work out another trip some other time, and if you plan farther in advance, maybe you can save up money so it will REALLY be a fun trip, instead of just barely making it to be able to pay for it, and having nothing to spend for fun.

  3. i no eveyone says this but tell her the truth if she doesnt like it then she is not ur real friend

  4. well for one you should be honest with your financial situation and 2 you are in need of desperate help if you think you are going to kill yourself. I would tell someone immediately.

    Being poor is nothing to be afraid of!! But suicide is never ok and someone out there loves you, see a doctor and get some help.

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