
I don't know how to tell them?

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I've had depression once in my life before, and I think I've had a bad anxiety disorder all my life. My depression, that no one really knew about except me (I hid it as best I could), got over in a couple of months.

But now, I think the depression is coming back and my anxiety disorder and paranoia is a lot worse then ever, and I can't seem to control it.

I don't want to go through depression again, and this anxiety disorder severely effects my life, and I want to go and see a psychologist. But I don't know how I can tell my parents. My relationship with them is very very awkward, and none of my other 3 brothers and my sister ever had do do these things..




  1. best thing to do is to ask if you can talk to them for a few minutes and then tell them what you are going through. tell them that you are really anxious & sad all the time and give a few examples. it will be hard to tell them, but you will be glad once you do. it is very important that you get help. if you still can't tell them, go to your school counselor or nurse and talk to them about it. if you get along well with one of your friend's parents, then try talking to them. any adult you trust is a good person to tell.  keep hope that you will get better. i am 16 and i also have problems with depression and anxiety. after i went to the doctor and therapist and got help, it made me so much happier. best of luck!

  2. Suck it up.Educate yourself on life and the inhumanities that occur.Life is not all about you and you should get involved in volunteer work ,make yourself so busy in life you wont have time to dwell on your abnormal thoughts.

  3. don't listen to idiots who tell you to "suck it up." some people can't leave a decent or kind answer to save their life. I think the best thing to do is tell your parents you would like to make a doctor's appointment to talk to a therapist about possible depression. If they don't seem receptive there are many ways to get started on your own, such as visiting a clinic or talking to a guidance counselor at your school. depression is no joke, and it's great you recognize that you need a little help. It's nothing to be ashamed about.  

  4. tell them that you are having a problem, you don't have to be specific, and you can tell them that. If you don't want to go into all the details, and who knows they might not want to know, tell them you are not comfortable talking about it all right now, and that you would like to go and see a professional about it. Talk in a sensible calm voice and tell them how important it is to you.

    It's good that you recoginize that you need help. That is a very good first step.

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