
I don't know if I am British?

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My mother was born in Cayman Islands but i was born before 1983 outside the colony at the time. I am American by birth and live in Cayman Islands (from 6 months old to 18 years old).




  1. you sure can be dual nationals. But to get your UK citizenship, you must go to the British consulate with your birth certificate and proof that you live in Cayman islands during those years.

  2. Your really an American as the birth and the caymans are heavily influenced by the mainland (inc B.Caymans)

    However you are an overseas American who are a little more global people than the mainlanders.So sorry,no cricket for you,take that milk away from your tea and stick to rubbish pool,as we have glorious snooker

  3. I'm not so sure, sorry. But I would say American. I'm confused too, my Dad's Moroccan, my Mum's English and I was born in London. Does that make me 'Anglo-Moroccan' ? Confusing stuff..

    I'd go with your heart, which ever country feels more like your home and like you have more dedication to go with ;)

  4. Ray, try using punctuation and once you've figured that out try not using xenophobia.

    Robo, don't be so insulting and accept that it can be British. I say I am British because I have Scottish and English heritage, my friend says he is English because his English heritage goes back a long way. It can be either.

    Person asking the question, you're probably American with a British heritage.

  5. You're American.

  6. If you're intelligent, witty, caring and good looking you're british; if you're fat and stupid I'm afraid you're american.  

  7. Ain't Yahoo grand my post was deleted and account deleted over my reply to the post calling Americans fat ,stupid, and lazy However that is still on site O k time to play hard ball Not here on Yahoo but it's pay back time

    I'm telling mommy '' you brits are really going to have to learn to stand on your own feet

  8. If you cannot stand the sight of Gordon Brown and the Royal Family then you are British

  9. If you have Caymanian citizenship, you will probably be British too. :-)

    "On 26 February, after the British Overseas Territories Act 2002 received Royal Assent, all citizens of British Overseas Territories (including the Cayman Islands) were granted full British citizenship, effective from 21 May. All Caymanians now possess dual citizenship and the provisions of British Citizenship are only activated when the individual chooses to be recognised as a British citizen, either by applying for a passport with that status or through other means."

  10. well.

    my mom and dad are fully british (born and raised).

    and i was born i america, and still live here.

    soo idk.

    im american but i have british blood in me.

    hope it helps some what.

  11. You would need to consult the state department to find out your status.  

  12. check with the government.

  13. Don't know, mate, sorry.

    Hey Ray, is that another new account? How many are you going to need before you get the hint? Hardball... is that like baseball? Sorry, I mean rounders.

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