
I don't know if I can drop my instrument off in the bandroom tomorrow

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Okay well I am a freshman in high school and tomorrow is the first day of school. My friend said her friend, who is an officer for the band, said that we do need our instruments. It seems like I recall the band director saying that we are not alowed in the bandroom before school because he and the assistant director could be at meetings, and something could happen...BUT...I'm not 100% sure. Our school is huge and I am afraid if I wait for the bell to ring first I will be late for class. How does it work at your high school? I'm REALLY scared and freaking out. I don't even know how to get to the bandroom from the car rider section!




  1. I would be in the same predicament if it weren't for Tropical Storm Fay.  Well, not quite because my band director said we don't need our instruments on our first day.  At my High School, the band room is open all morning and we can drop by anytime before the bell rings.  Relax though.  Talk to some upperclassmen and see how things work out.  It's not a huge deal to carry your instrument around for one day.  Unless it's like, a baritone or tuba or something.

  2. worst case scenario, you end up carrying your instrument to class. i say try to drop it before the bell rings, but don't be dumb enough to leave it unattended at any time.

  3. Dang for some reason it sounds like you go to my school cuz my director  said that and it is because the assistant director has to go to  and him have to go to a meeting too.  Can you drop it off in the band hallway? That's what I do. and that is where all of the band people hang out before school.

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