
I don't know if I should respond back to her?

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I was friends with this girl 3 months ago. She was kind of emotionally unstable and had some serious issues. Long story short, after I begun dating my boyfriend, she started getting jealous and left me a nasty letter at my place stating that I was a bad friend. I was a little upset, especially since she didn't have the courtesy to talk to me in person. There were a lot of things that were going wrong in the friendship (the jealousy of my new relationship, rude comments, her drinking problem and so on). I finally decided not to continue the friendship.

Anyway, last friday, she text messaged me and said that i've been on her mind lately and she wanted to know how I'm doing.

In some ways, I miss hanging out with her and talking to her. But on the other hand, I don't want to deal with all the drama again.

Should I message her back? If so, should I just keep it short and sweet and say "I'm doing ok, thanks".




  1. my best friend has done that and it annoys the h**l out of me but weve been friends for 8 years and everyone always tells me to work it out

    i would keep it short and message her back a couple times but thats it

  2. I think you did the right thing by taking the negatvie influence out of your life,i've been in that situation too so I must commend you for that

    but it seems like she probably regrets what she did and wants things the way they were it's up to you to allow her in your life or not again but I wouldn't history repeats itself

  3. call her. and tell her where you all stand with this issue. your friend may miss you. and wants to talk to you. but she may have messed up. and is in need of a friend right now. if not who needs those kind of friends

  4. I'm 26 now, but ever since I was 14 I had this one best friend.  She and I did everything together but she was alot of drama.  When I got with my boyfriend and began getting serious with him I saw less and less of her.  It hurt cause she was my Best friend, but I really felt that I was growing up and she just wasn't (which was the case).  When I did go out with her it always ended with us doing something stupid or getting into trouble.  Now when I see her it is usually the how are you doing, nice to see you, you look great kind of talk.  She as been to my house once since I had my daughter last year.  I see one of her ex's and he always notes that she talks c**p about my bf (of almost 7 years).  I would say to let the friendship go.  You will miss her but you really don't need all that drama in your life, trust me.  Move on to better things.

  5. if i was you, i'd keep it short and sweet

    answer once or twice and thats it

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