
I don't know if anyone else worries about this but if we use nanotechnology in the future, can't it be used..

by  |  earlier

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for something sinister? I mean if it got in the hands of say, terrorists, wouldn't that be a threat? I mean, say they make some sort of deconstructionist bot that could effect humans by deconstructing their dna and such. I know it's really scifi out there, but hey, if we use it in the future, in say our wrist phones and other stuff it's at least something I would worry about. And they are so small you would never know until it's too late.




  1. Absolutely true. Nanotech could be used for sinister purposes as well as tremendous advances in the quality of our personal lives. We have to make sure, as we have in the case of nuclear weapons, that we stay way ahead of the terror types in our ability to counter aggressive use of nanotechnology in weaponry.


  2. That's true, but that was also the case when chemistry and biology emerged as well. Chemistry gave rise to poisons and explosives, and biology gave rise to plagues and epidemic attacks, such as anthrax.

  3. Any tool has the potential to be used for many purposes, it all depends on the user.

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