
I don't know if i'm g*y or not?

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i like fashion

i love hair

i kinda even wanted to cut hair.. and stuff. it really interests me.

um, i love to work out and keep my body real good. I am 19 btw.

i am not exactly "into" guys (as in oh wanna have s*x with him), but i can tell a good looking guy from someone pretty average.

im always real nice and stuff unlike my friends who are usually rude all the time.

i love girls though. im confused man




  1. Your not g*y

    you just have some stereotypical g*y traits

    if ur not attracted to guys ur straight

    i think some girls are beautiful looking but it doesn't mean i want to tap dat

  2. Just because you look at a man and think he is attractive doesnt make you g*y. Its who you want to have s*x with that makes you g*y. There are loads of straight men that cut hair... they are called barbers. If you love women, which I totally understand, chances are you just have an eye for style. Relax Mr. Metrosexual your overcomplicating things.

  3. It doesnt mean you are g*y. However when you are attracted to a man and feel a spark then theres a certainty that you have homosexual tendencies. You dont have to act on them. And you arent g*y just becoz someone says you are. Be yourself do what you like to do and dont worry about labels.

  4. Okay, first off I'm not a man lol. alot of men like clothes and hair. I can tell a good looking girl from an ugly one. anyone can. you are still straight my friend.

  5. you're not. people who are g*y know it. having good manners is not a sign of being g*y either.

    only one of the major NYC hair salon celebrity stylists is g*y.  

  6. If you're not against looking at p**n, I suggest looking at some g*y stuff and some straight stuff, see what turns you on  

  7. yu sound straight to me. dnt worry about it!

  8. you are not g*y!

  9. You are not g*y.

    It's true that you can distinguish good-looking guys from average guys, just as a g*y man can tell a hot girl from an average girl.  But a g*y man does not want to make love with a girl -- and you do not want to make love with a guy.  That tells me you do not have an intense, passionate, magnetic draw to guys; they don't give you drive and energy.

    You can tell who is attractive, but that is only your aesthetic sense of beauty or admiration.  That is the same gift you use to cut hair -- a sense of style and balance and attractiveness.

    You're polite and take good care of yourself, which just means you are well bred and courteous.

    But your real passion is with girls -- "I love girls though".

    I am reading between the lines here.  I am thinking this means that you find girls attractive, compelling...that they rouse your passion, make your heart beat and your eyes bright...that you'd love to make out with a girl.  Is that correct?

    If so, you are stylish and straight.  Maybe metrosexual, lol.

    You would only be g*y if you fell in love with guys and wanted to make love with them...but you don't.  So you aren't g*y.

    Hope that helps.

  10. You sound straight.  ANYONE can tell if people look good, whether they're guys OR girls.

    What you have to look at, is if you want to date another boy or not.

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