
I don't know if i'm going crazy?

by  |  earlier

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So sometimes I feel like people are against me, but I know they are not. Like, a person might say I like Dima Bilan and everybody else is like he's ugly and you're not Russian so why do you listen to him? So I get really embarrassed and humiliated by that and want to commit suicide. Or there are times when I feel like a person is saying something about me ( like I'm a *****) and everybody's gonna believe that person. When I think of situations like these, I get really sad or humiliated and want to commit suicide. What should I do?




  1. you sound like your suffering from deppression and paranoia. If  your experiancing severe mood swings and aggression as well you may want to seek and evaluation for bi-polar disorder

  2. It sounds like you have some type of mental illness. I would guess a form of paranoia.  Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of and should be looked after by a doctor. He may recommend counciling or med's or both.  I myself suffer from Bi-polar and am on medication for it. And I now feel great after many years of severe depression. You are not alone. Please do yourself a favor and seek medical help. Do not take the advice of people on here (including me). A doctor is your best source.

  3. Well it seems that you are somewhat schizophrenic.There's no reason to feel bad for liking things that other people like or dislike.Everyone is different and it's no reason to commit suicide.All murderers go to h**l.Suicide is not worth it.Is there something else that is bothering you?Is there something going on at home?Pray to GOD about this.GOD is the only one who can handle this.Try expressing your feelings in art or by drawing something.Listen to constructive music.Talk to someone that shares the same things in common with you.Watch constructive television shows.That should help or something,I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  4. every body has diff likes i don't know who Dima Bilan is but go for it and don't worry about what other people say you have to please your self so if your happy with what you do go for it !!! ok

  5. You have a mental problem like Paranoia or depression or something to that effect. Your not crazy. I say see a psychiatrist.

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