
I don't know if i can trust my cat with these guys?

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me + my fam are goin away in a few months and we need someone to look after our cat, we found an animal shelter but i don't trust anyone i don;t know, i mean they could do anything to him, what if he runs away, what if he gets used to the shelter and forgets about us? what if he dies? what if somethin happens to him and they replace it with another cat? i cant enjoy my holidays knowing my cat is with someone i dont even know!!!




  1. the animal shelter is the safest place he could ever be,...

    if you're uncomfortable about your cat getting used to it,

    why don't you just take him along?

  2. You don't trust an ANIMAL SHELTER?  Do you have any clue how much the people who run and volunteer at animal shelters love animals?  And how hard they work to help animals and to save animals?  

    I'm pretty shocked that you find it hard to trust an animal shelter and worry about something happening to him there and think they would "replace it with another cat"??  And yet this is an OUTDOOR CAT that you let run around freely outside where he could get hit by a car, shot at, poisoned, eaten by a wild animal, catch a disease from another cat, etc, etc, etc!  Now THAT is ridiculous!

  3. Have you visited and walked round the animal centre, if it is a reputable place, and the other cats/animals seem happy, there is no need to worry.

    Alternatively, you can get someone in to come and feed your cat in its own home.  Where we live there is a company who look after your animals when you are away, they come into your home, feed/play with your cat every day.  It costs the same as it would to put them into a catery.

    Or, do you not have a good friend or neighbour who could come and look after your cat, we always leave ours with the neighbour, or one of my friends will move in for the time I am away.

    A few ideas for you, hope it all works out for you and you manage to have a great holiday.    

  4. Go and check out the shelter and see how it is. They do this for a living and it's not in their interest to lose cats etc. I've boarded mine before and they were fine. In fact, I imported one cat from the USA when I moved and she was taken to a shelter in California without my knowledge (it was too hot for her to go to LAX, they don't like to have animals at airports if it's too hot as they can get stressed) and then she was in 'cat jail' in Sydney for 2 months and never was a cat happier to see her owner. The cats won't forget you, in fact, when you collect them they will suck up to you for days.

  5. I felt the same way when i sent my dog to obedience just have to put trust into people, everything will be fine. Have them call you whenever they can, so you can check up, or they give you their number. And he will not forget you, if you love him and he loves you there is abosolutly no way he will forget. Don't Worry About It!

  6. Your cat will be fine they will get  in trouble by the law if something goes wrong make sure it is the best shelter by looking it up  cats are lovely  and he will love it good luck on this He will be loved by all trust the shelter it will be best for the little cat of yours you cant go wrong lots of lovely people to care for your love one good luck always

  7. You need to put him in a licensed pet boarding facility.  If they "did something" to people's pets, they would soon be out of business.  It is their job to take excellent care of people's pets.  You must check the boarding set up to make sure he can't escape.  Be sure to tell the people there that he could run away if they aren't extra careful.  It is very unlikely that your cat will forget about you.  He may get to like the people who look after him while you're away but it won't be the same as his own family.  Unless your cat is very old or ill, he isn't likely to die while being boarded.  If in the rare  and terrible event that something did happen, you would be notified.  They will not replace him.  You would know the difference right away.  I understand your worries.  Please go have a look at where your cat will be kept and meet the people who work there.  It might help you to feel much better.

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