
I don't know if i could be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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So i have posted a couple questions pretty much asking the same thing but this time now i am 9 weeks since my last period, which was june 23rd 2008 and the last time i had unprotected s*x was aug 12th, so it has been 2 weeks since. but i don't want to waste another test until i get some opinions! i still am peeing alot and today my b*****s hurt! i went to the doc Aug 15th and that was to soon to tell but i got tested for STD, thyroid and bladder infection and they all were negative. so please give me an opinion! no rude comments please cause if you don't want to be nice i don't want your opinion




  1. Sounds like you're pg to me. It's odd how different hormones can be though, with my first pg I got a positive test within 3 weeks of conception.  But with my second pg, I got false test until week 9!  

  2. I didn't find out I was pregnant til I was 9 weeks. None of the test showed up positive til I was 9 weeks. So maybe you should go talk to your Dr and make them do another test. They can show if your pregnant as early as two weeks after you actually get pregnant. So you should be in the clear as far as time. Then again it could just be stress but I would test at least one more time and then talk to your Dr about what may be causing the abnormal cycle length. Good luck!!!

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