Well last month (july) i took the morning after pill and got my period about a week later. Then at the end of the month i got a little tiny bit of pink but nothing more. This month which is now over actually (august) i got around the 28th something the same as the end of July, just a tiny bit of pink for a couple days, not even all the time just a little. Could this be implantation bleeding or could this be my period just being messed up? I am thinking of taking a pregnancy test today, would it be too early to tell? I do not feel any signs of pregnancy. I have already had one baby (he is almost 6 months old, and I am breastfeeding him but not exclusively, he is eating solids as well) could the period maybe be this way because I stopped using birth control in june? or because of the morning after pill? or even because of the nursing? Yes this is a complicated situation loll but if anyone has any advice on this please i need an answer lol. Also, my scale says i've gained 4 pounds in the last like 5 days....could i be pregnant?