
I don't know much about politics.....?

by  |  earlier

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Who is going to win?

What are electorial votes?

How did Bush get to be president twice?

Thnkx in Advance!




  1. -McCane (our country is still not ready for BHO)

    -Electoral College makes up the electoral votes (a group of politically involved people selected from local and state active groups). Just get involved with your local voting if you'd like to learn more about the electoral.

    -Christians vote more than any other segment in our country, they are loud, have money, and have a rule book that they follow

  2. I don't know much either but I can answe your questions.

    1. Probably Obama.

    2. In our government a state gets a certain amount of Electoral Votes and the people in that state decide who the votes go for. The amount of votes depends on the population of the state.

    3. How'd he get elected once? Maybe he cheated like many accuse him of. Second time, John Kerry was nothing special but I still think he was better than Bush in my opinion.

  3. You and I are on the same page, I am also having the same questionnaire. Thanks for asking and I too need to get clarified.  

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