I don't know what's wrong with me. All I want to know is if there is a certain scientific name for it, & where to get help BESIDES my parents.
I don't think I'm bisexual. I like boys. But when I really get to know a girl good, I look to them for support. Sometimes, I say things to make myself to feel better when thy tell me they what they would do If I died, it makes me feel important. But whenever they talk to other people, or don't talk to me, I feel SO left out and DEPRESSED so I get high. This only temporarily numbs the pain.
I've counted 3 ppl (all girls) that I've compulsively thought about during one time in the past 3 yrs. (1 a yr.)
and I don't know what wrong. It makes me so depressed. Is it like an obsessive disorder or am I just psychotic?