
I don't know what I did?

by  |  earlier

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Well, the title pretty much wraps it up. I meet this girl at work and we go to the same university and all of the sudden we started to talk a lot, and we facebooked & AIM. We would always IM talk about anything for a good month or so and jst recently we went together to go see pineapple express. A couples of weeks later, I imed her and she would answer with 2 or 3 word IM's not like before and last night I was Iming her and nothing. I dont know what I did wrong or did she just think it was cool to do that.......I dont know what I did.




  1. well, i think she liked you and maybe she caught you looking at somone ...good luck

  2. i think it was the movie and next time let her pick the movie.

  3. You probably didn't do anything, but I am guessing she's just not that into you - at least not in the way you want her to be.  If you are looking for someone to date - I would move on.  If you are looking for someone to hang out from time to time (just as friends) then you could try to maintain the friendship, but remember friendship takes two persons and if she's not willing to put forth the same effort, it won't last.  Sorry to hear she's mistreating you.

  4. Maybe she liked you, but she met someone else and so she doesn't see the point in talking to you anymore.

    It might not be you, it might just be that you're not her type.

    Go out and look for someone else!

  5. Really don't mean to hurt your feelings but sounds as though after getting to know you a little more she may not feel the chemistry that you do. She just might know it isn't going to be more than friends so has cooled it so as not to lead you on. I would not try so hard with her stay friendly and move on, be open to meeting other girls, if she is interested in you, she will let you know.  I am sure you did nothing wrong, you are probably just wrong for each other. If it still bothers you then the next time you get to speak with her just be open and honest and ask her if she was offended in anyway and you were curious why things cooled off so abruptly. Hopefully you can take anything she may say and won't be hurt .  Good luck and all the best.  

  6. I bet she found someone else...sorry about that brotha. . . (i THINK ur a guy, but i can't tell 4 sure)

  7. Well, this is a bit confusing because I don't think you are telling the whole story I have some ideas about what you could have done:

    -you could have done nothing

    -she probably only sees you as a friend

    -she needs space

  8. Maybe she's involved with someone else.

    Maybe her fantasy version of you is different than the real you.

    Maybe she's just flakey.


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