
I don't know what I want to be?

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Presently, i'm a junior in high school. I don't really know what I would like to do. Nothing has really caught my eye totally. I have hobbies and I enjoy stuff, but when I look at it I can't see myself doing it. Is this bad? I feel so confused and lost. How do I go about this? I really want to know what I want to do before I go to college. I'm afraid to go to college without knowing what I want to do. Is this normal? What should I do? Thanks guys.




  1. OOHHH good question. I guess it kind of depends on your personality. I mean, you can be everything from like a dentist to a secret agent lol. Really take into consideration what you love doing, but also think about what you want your lifestyle to be like. If you LOVE art, or music, or writing, be an artist, musician, or author. But if you want a really good paying job that won't make you have to work very much to you can do your hobbies in your spare time, try something like a dentist, or a dental specialist. Then you can work as little as 2 days per week, or as many as 6 or 7.  

  2. The not knowing what you want to do is completely normal. Some college student go in not knowing exactly what they want to do and some who think they know change their minds (and majors) multiple times before they finally graduate. Take your time and explore your options!

  3. Your feelings are so incredibly normal and natural. Most people start college with barely an idea of what they want to do for the rest of their lives, and many graduate college still wondering! :) The nice thing to remember is that you are not cornered into anything if you choose a field to pursue in college and then change your mind later down the road.

    But for now, I suggest you talk to a college counselor. Counselors can be really cool people and can help you to identify schools and studies that fit you and your lifestyle and personality.  

  4. I have the exact same problem. I went to a highshcool guidance councellor, and i also looked trough college booklets and scaned through every career and circled ones that appealed to me, then i researched them a bit. I have narrowed em down, now i just need to pick between the two. There are also websites the school will provide the website and passwords for ya, hope that helped atleast a bit :)

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