
I don't know what I want to do with my life?

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I'm 17 and I've got less than a year before I go to college or if I even do.

My mom told me that I should know by now what I want to go to college for, but I still don't know what I want to do...

Is this normal? My school councilers made us write down what we want to do 2 years ago and I still have no clue!!!

I'm only talented in visual and creative things...

and I'm a pretty talented artist like i've won awards, but if I get in that field they dont even make that much money to suit the lifestyle I want to live.




  1. Don't worry so much. Go to college, and you'll find yourself once you get there. By the way, artists can and do make a ton of money. You may not live the lifestyle you want to right away, but it is possible if you work for it. I'm a talented artist myself, and everyone always told me to pursue it as a career. I never did because I didn't want to turn my love into work. I regret that decision. I ended up with a degree in business. I'm good at what I do, but it's not what I'm passionate about. I regret that. Do what you love. There is no better paycheck.

  2. Your mom doesn't know what she's talking about.  Even people who think they know what they want to do often change their minds as they mature.  Start by taking electives at college and find out what you like.  That what's I did.

  3. Don't worry about knowing what you want to do. A lot of people think they know what they want to do and then change there major many times.  

    I say if you want to go to school go. Take some classes and when you know what you want to do work towards that.

    Maybe you could go in to web design? That takes a lot of skill and creativity.  Or maybe you could go in to architecture.  There is endless possibility's you could do for creativity.   Maybe you should check out some course cataloges and look at all the different things you could do.

    Good luck and I hope this helps a lot or at least some.

  4. i was in college for 2 years before i figured out what i wanted to do. you have some time to think about it, but dont take as long as i did because then you'll be taking way too long taking extra unnecessary classes.

    i advise you to take elective classes and speak to counselors as often as you can. has pretty good information on carreer options, and ask around people you know what they do and how it works for them.

  5. It's perfectly normal - how can you truly know what you want to do until you have gone out and seen what there is to do?

  6. Visual and creative things are valid and useful talents in demand, don't let your Mom dictate what you should and should not do.  If you want to become an art major, graphics art major, or English major, there are plenty of jobs for you once you complete your degree.  The important thing is that you have the degree in hand, and THEN go from there after that.  You have plenty of time now...  

  7. you know what

    its normal

    because i get confused

    my dream is to become a astronomer but i found out they don't make a lot of money

    but i really love space and stars so i don't care what the pay is

    and money shouldn't affect what you want to be

    make sure it is something you look forward to when you wake up every morning usually high paying jobs are the worst and people don't live happily

    and artist do get paid a lot you just have to get famous

    take your time on deciding  

  8. If you still don't know when it's time to apply just take a general course or a general degree so you are able to try a few things to see what interests you.  Any education is better than no education.

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