
I don't know what I want to major Asian parents strongly suggest me to be a doctor, since I got good g

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I don't know what I want to major Asian parents strongly suggest me to be a doctor, since I got good grades in SAT2 Bio(780) and AP Bio test(5), but I don't particulary like science...I am interested in art, but I know that I am going to struggle being an artist financially...and I probably am not the very creative type...on the other hand, I probably won't have much financial problems if I became a doctor, but I can't even stand seeing a wound, and once again, I am not very interested in being a doctor...the 8 years of studying doesn't quite appeal to me....

This is a big decision that I will have to make...I am wondering if there's any job that I won't struggle finacially and still be able to work from home?




  1. I wouldn't force myself into a field that I am not interested in. Anyway, there are many types of fields in the art world that are financially stable. Being a painter is not the only option.

    You can be a graphic designer or an architect. Do your research into art fields, the possibilities are bigger than you think.

    If you become something like an engineer, you can use your art skills and your analytical skills as well.

    good luck

  2. you can change your major many times

  3. To  be  truly  successful  ( financially  &  personally  happy )

    You  Must  enter  a  field   for  which  you  have  aptitude  

    AND  a  geat  personal  interest ,  drive .

    People  who  go  into  the  medical / dental  fields  because

    Mommy &  Daddy  want  it  usually   are  NOT  successful .

    For  college ,  take  some  foundation  science  courses  that  would  lead  to  easy  employment  at  graduation ,

    AND   take  liberal  arts /  art  courses  in  the  fields  that  interest  you .  ( your  minor )

    Most   artists  need  time  to  be  successful  and  eventually  pass

    on  the  day  job  { becoming  an  artist  full  time } .

    With  a  good  mix  of  classes ,  you  should  have  a  handle  on   both  aspects

    by  the  time  you  are  in  your  junior  /  senior  year .

    Good  Luck

    { and  follow  YOUR  path ,  not  the parents  because the  

    Parents  will  NOT  be  the  one  at  the  job }


  4. go on man be a doctor because every parents think better for their child............thats an good advice try it.......

  5. I'm the exact same way myself, wanting a job where I can work from home. What I do know, is that you shouldn't put yourself into something you know you don't like.

    It is of course possible that you might not like art as much later on either, and become a curator or some such instead. I can't tell you what to do, well i can, but I know I shouldn't, but I think your issue here is the doctor thing, and to that i think you should definitely say no, if you don't fancy the idea.

    If you're really having trouble though, maybe you can find a way to do your art courses but still take some of the science prerequisites in case you happen to change your mind, or the other way around.


    People who try to plan their lives often end up being sorely mistaken when it doesn't turn out like their very specific mental image. If science is easy for you, though, you could do some biology stuff and get a job where you've got free time to enjoy other things.

    I'd quite like to work from home, and I'm aiming to write for a journal or two, which is an option for any area.

    no matter what you decide, there's always going to be equal possibilities of success and failure.

    So I've really not helped you at all so much as rambled on about life in general, sorry about that. It is good though, sometimes, to hear other people's thoughts and experiences. None of the answers you get here are likely to help you, it's more to do with giving you more things to ponder. From your question though, is really sounds like you're looking for people to tell you not to try to become a doctor. I think you've made up your mind already. you can always change it later though. It's hard to do, but it's possible.

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