
I don't know what career path to take?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and I really don't know which career path i should follow? How can I find out within myself what I should choose?




  1. This will be answered in time. The path you follow might not yet be invented.

  2. i don't know...

    what are you good at?

    what are your hobbies?

    mostly those will help you a lot... take a career which you think you have strong points at, that way it won't be that hard for you...

    there's a saying, don't make a horse do a cow's work...

  3. this depends on ur interest.if u think u like office job which's more relaxing then u can try ur luck here,if not try other more challenging ones.good luck.

  4. Like animals?  Veterinarian

    Like getting over on others? Sales

    Like a topic in school?  Professor

    Like clothes?  Clothing designer or Boutique operator.

    Like people?  Social Worker

    Like money?  Floor Trader (stock exchange or commodities market)

    Like Space?  Physics.

    Wanna create new products?  Engineering.

    Read a lot of various books to see if they can interest you.  And, by all means ask your parents, Parents can be an amazing resource.

  5. The fact that you're even thinking about this at your age shows you have a higher level of intelligence than the average 13 year old.

    As others said, what interests you?

    The most important thing is to find a life focus that YOU ENJOY, not that just makes you the most money. Hopefully you can find something that does both.

    Once you find what interests you, you can research the jobs in that field and focus on one of them as a goal.

    If you're still not sure, I bet that other people currently working in those potential jobs would be eager to share with you what they like/dislike about their particular job.

    You're already on the right path by starting to make a plan!!

  6. Don't worry about it to much. Try to find something that you would consider a reflection of your personality, and don't worry if you can't find one because most people's personalities are altered by their work. In the mean time, just make sure any options you're considering are also emotionally agreeable to you right now.

    Like I said before, don't worry about it, don't worry about it, and above all else, don't worry about it! In time, you will come to find that life is very, very, long; and offers plenty of time to find your true calling. Most people, in a single life time, go through at least eight different career options, so if you don't find the first one to be befitting then try another. But don't get too disappointed when you're bouncing around between jobs because each one you picked are bound to be befitting while you were in them. After all, like I said before: most peoples personalities are altered by their work, which means it was right for you at the time.    

  7. Great to hear that your thinking about what career you'll try to pursue, specially for a very young age.

    Try think of something that would reward you emotionally, that will make you happy, that will make an excitement to your life and

    you want to do in the next 20 years.

    Discover strengths in school subject, hobby, interest and character in you.

    Anyway, this will take time for you to discover these things. be patient and nver settle down to 2nd choices.

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