
I don't know what i should give her for snack!!! Help me!!!!!!?

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what should i give the child i am babysitting for snack




  1. wait your supposed to know this your babysitting... .....

    The same thing you would eat for a snack, unless the child is under 1

  2. You didn't mention an age. Any microwave popcorn in the house? That's always easy and a winner. Peanut butter? Fix a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That's always good and keeps them satisfied for a long time. How about some cheese and crackers?

  3. how old is she?........fruit is always a good choice.........I wouldn't give anything like peanut butter unless you are sure she does not have any allergies.......

    maybe some crackers and cheese? but again with the cheese be sure she is not lactose intolerant.........

  4. Ask her maybe, she probably knows what she has in the house to eat

  5. Fruit, carrot sticks.  What kind of childcare provider are you if you don't even know what to feed the child?

  6. well start digging through the cabinet and fridge

    sliced apple wedges dipped in peanut butter

    cheese and crackers.

    cheese on toast

    any fruit you could find.. jsut slice it up

    peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

    any yogurt in the house?..

    sliced hotdogs just to dip into ketchup or something

    you might find other stuff in the cabinet.. maybe there are some cookies.. and milk in the fridge..

    cereal with milk.. even cereal dry some kids like

    any ramen noodles about?

    just look.. you'll find something...  

  7. You should ask the parent/s. Childen may have restrictions due to

    allergies for example.


  8. Yep, popcorn's always a good idea.  And peanut butter.  My kids always like me to slice an apple and spread a little peanut butter on it.

  9. goldfish crackers

    banana and peanut butter

    dry cereal in a bowl

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