
I don't know what just happened but I'm scared to fall back asleep!?

by Guest67059  |  earlier

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I'm not sure if I was almost having one of those astral projection things or what. I was tryin' to get to sleep for some time - just relaxing and dozing off. I ended up lying on my back and eventually started to zone out. I thought I was dreaming but I was in this dark place in my room on my bed and it felt like my body started to tingle all over.. I thought this might have been an astral projection stage to go through but then it felt like some ghost or something was rubbing my body.. I even heard a dark voice say something and then I kind of squirmed and woke up in shock. Can someome please tell me what this could have been?




  1. I believe that what you encountered was nothing more than holding your breath (unconciously causing lack of oxygen) due to anxiety attacks. This (lack of oxygen) then causes tightening of all the muscles and improper breathing techniques. All this stress on the mind, then body, stems from some traumatic experience in your earlier life, either remembered or not.


  2. Were you breathing quickly or shallowly when this happened? It's possible that the tingles could have been lack of oxygen. I'm not trying to rubbish what you felt, but it helps to try and rule out more natural causes first.

    It's possible that what you experienced was hypnagogic or hypnopompic sleep.

    Hypnagogia (also spelled hypnogogia) describes vivid dreamlike auditory, visual, or tactile sensations, which are often accompanied by sleep paralysis and experienced when falling asleep or waking up.

    A more detailed explanation can be found here...

    It will help if you make sure that you are properly grounded and protected before going to bed as well.

  3. This sounds like sleep paralysis (link below).

    This can be controlled (if not completely eliminated) by good sleep habits.

    It is also possible to control some of these experiences the same way one can control dreams. I have included a link below on Lucid Dreaming.

  4. your mind was awake but your body was going through some sleep stages.

    This is a phenomena called sleep paralysis. It can cause very vivid hallucinations.

    It is caused by irregular sleep patterns, stress, and sleeping disorders. It most offen happens when sleeping on your back, although not always.

    Also, it is responsible for the belief in astral projection, succubus and incubus attacts, alien abductions.... and lots more.

    Look up "Sleep Paralysis" on the internet and see what you come up with.

    Good luck.

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