
I don't know what to do, I'm 13 y/o and i think i'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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It all started when my boyfriend (neighbor) told me to meet him in his back yard.So when everybody was sleeping I went. He told me to go inside the tool hause they have.We whent inside.When I went inside he had candles inside and roses.In the middle was blanket.We sat and talked then he started kissing me. Then we took our cloth off and stared having s*x.




  1. stick a coat hanger inside you.

    I'm just kidding don't. Your not pregnant.

  2. You're just a little wittle girl - grow up and get back to playing Barbies and leave the baby making to the adults.....

  3. All you can do is wait for your period. Doesn't come take a test. If you aren't use protection and get on birth control.

  4. grow up 13 y/o should not be having s*x... talk to your mom and she will tell you what to do

  5. Tell your parents. If you aren't pregnant GET SMART and start using contraceptives, or stop having s*x. If you are, hopefully your parents are nicer people than I am and will support you and your child.

    If you are pregnant, please do me a favor. When your child is ready to hit puberty, tell them the truth about s*x and pregnancy and having babies before it is time. If you have a girl, be frank about contraception and help her to be a strong woman. If you have a boy, make sure he knows what responsibility he holds when a baby is made and then give him a box of condoms.

  6. If you go to a clinic it is confidential to find out if your pregnant or not. If you catch it early enough it can be terminated with a simple injection :)

  7. take a pregnancy to ur keep it hidden.....please dont not tell them..its important that they know..u can e-mail me if u need some1 to talk     dont hesitate

  8. Talk to your parents about it and hopefully they will understand. If you miss your period you should take a test. Hope everything comes out for the best.

  9. talk to yer mom, and KEEP YER CLOTHES ON

    what is happening to this world.. there are way to many young preggers out there..  in  10 years when i decide to have children if my 13 year old come to me and said they were pregnant i might have a heart attack

  10. he dont need to ejaculate for you to get pregnant the best thing is to tell your parents as wot your neighbor did is against the law, and they will sort it all out and make things better,

    good luck hun and you can always ask us for help or even if its just to chatxx

  11. you take a test and find out if you are and then if your are you talk to your parents and explain to them that you need there help and support

  12. The only way for you to be pregnant is if he finished having s*x with you...ejaculated and if you did not use a condom.

  13. Girl whats wrong with you having s*x at a young age...... my mom would of kill me. Look just talk to youre mom and she would understand.

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