I keep getting so-called "bad" omens coming to me. I've gotten a lot of black cats crossing my path. Once as I was walking down the street late at night, a black cat was sitting, staring at me and waiting a little ways down the path. Obviously that was a little scary to see, so I didn't go down that way, and just went home (actually that was probably a good idea, I was going down that way to visit someone that I should not have).
I went for a bike ride a half hour ago. I saw a crow or a raven, with its back turned to me; didn't fly off or anything. About 15 or so minutes later I went down the same way - this time the crow or raven (sorry, i can't really tell the difference) was facing me; staring at me, and caw-ed a bit at me.
Also, to add, a friend did my tea leaf reading for fun - what came up was a wolf, and an old lady
I don't know what all of this means, but they don't necessarily seem to be "good" omens. Can anyone help me? Im very afraid that something is going to happen tome