
I don't know what to do!?!?! Help PLEASE!! (kind long)

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Ok, so i'm going into 8th grade, and last year in science class me and some people were sitting next to each other, me and two guys. The guys were Andrew and Josh. At first, we were really close, but then we got new seats. I was now seated near Josh, Conner, Dillon, Tanya, and Isaac. Andrew was at the other side of the room. I started hanging out with the group who we sat by, but then all of a sudden Josh started being really mean to Andrew. Josh became a s*x obsessed pig, and he only talked about private parts, s*x-- you know. Soon enough, so did Conner, Dillon, and Isaac did too, only a bit though. Tanya and I were the only ones who weren't interested in that stuff, though we were the only girls too. Soon after, I started liking Josh, and I think he somehow found out. He started being really mean to me too, and mocked my weight, my makeup, called me emo. Andrew is very overweight. (We also think he's g*y.) Josh continued to be mean to me, as did Conner. Everyone else was pretty much nice. Some people thought Andrew started to like me, and whenever he talked to me, Josh got really nice to me, kind of protective of me and started calling Andrew really bad names. Andrew, though, is my friend- even though he likes me. At the end of the year, we were all talking, and Josh says "Hey, this summer, we should all go to the movies, well, execpt aimee. (thats me) She's a dog killer." (bad, bad rumor) A few days ago, the town had a street fair and I saw him there. He was really mean, so I threw a Crystal Light at him. I walked away but then he caught me by surprise and threw a snowcone at me. Anyway, Josh is a jerk and a pervert, and I'm trying not to like him, but I think I still like him after all this time, and I know he's an idiotic, jerky perv. What do I do? Why is he being mean? PLEASE help me out. Thanks.




  1. sometimes guys just dont know how to express their feelings properly.

    You have the same name as my sister. But she pronounces it Ahmee

  2. You're going through alot at this point.  The only thing you can do is to leave him alone.  NO! it's not going to be EASY to let him go but you have too.  He is the type that wants what he want and if he doesn't get it he's going be selfish and NASTY about it.  You already seen and heard what he called you.  DO YOU NEED HIM TO CALL YOU SOMETHING ELSE OR TREAT YOU LIKE SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE YOU BELIEVE!

  3. It seems he's just started puberty, and is acting out his crazed hormonal mood swings on you.  Fascinating.

    It seems Josh's hormones are making him only love him when Andrew starts flirting with you.  Fascinating.

  4. Your enjoying the wonderful world of hormones.  I dont see how you could still like Josh, especially with the way he has treated you.  You deserve better and Andrew is a true friend.  You should have defended him.  

    If I were you, I would:

    1. dump Josh, Conner, Dillon and Isaac permanently as friends.

    2. apologize to Andrew about letting Josh talk to him like that and not coming to the defense.

    3. Get a new set of friends.  How can you honestly call this group "friends"? You really need to be honest with yourself about this.

  5. This is really ironic because to be quite honest with you, I am having pretty much the same issues with a guy I like, named Josh. Granted we're a bit older, but it's still somewhat scary!

    Usually guys that act that way are mean because they are trying to impress you in some way, and to show they are willing to stick up for you. So my guess, whether he admits it or not...He likes you as well...Good luck!

  6. i think he likes u , u guys should go out!!!!=] ~xoxo ally*

  7. omg. 8th grader drama. please grow up. boys should be your last concern


  9. My mom says that boys are mean to people they like.

    But Boys are stupid, you should know that by now. Boys will always be that way. You learn to live with it once you find the one guy you love.

    But if he really bothers you, tell your teacher or just stay away from them.

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