
I don't know what to do... I'm losing my mind...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 20 year old college student, who has had a very painful past. (In short, I was abused, raped, I've attempted suicide a few times and I cut) I have a really hard time trusting people in the past (friends, family, mental health professionals etc.) but last year, for the first time, I met someone who I felt I could trust. She was a teacher in one of my courses. She helped me a lot, and offered to listen if I needed someone to talk to. At the moment, she's no longer my teacher, but I still really want to take her up on that offer to talk. We talk a little in the hallways at school, and via e-mail about random things, but I'd like to talk to her the way I did last year (when she offered to listen if I needed someone). I just don't know how to approach her about it, is it weird/wrong/awkward for me to re-bring this up now? I've tried little things to try to get her to initiate a "non-random" conversation but they haven't worked. I really feel like talking to her is the best thing for me, but I just don't know how to do it... please someone help... I'm not doing well right now, and really need to talk to her... I just don't know what to do...

(By the Way, I am seeing both a counsellor and a psychiatrist for professional help, however it is not that I am seeking from my teacher)




  1. Well if you know that she is a good person inside and she knows that you need help, than just go up to her and say how you feel, it might be awkward but, i think she is an understandable person that will help you in the bad times. It might sound like its childish but trust me its the only way.


    Well I see you have a really bad mental health which is not really healthy. Right now you in a deep mental problem. I advising you to take a week off from everything and everyone. Go to a vacation, or spend a week with your best friends. Enjoy your life, go and do your favorite hobby. Try to relax from everything. Forget everything that has happened in your past.  

  2. Its okay. You need positive influences in your life and if you like and trust your teacher, she sounds great!

    Just tell your former teacher how you feel. Be honest and open. Say that you know you aren't her student anymore, but you really need somebody to talk to and always felt safe talking to her.

    Then ask if you can talk to her about something thats been bothering you. I'm sure she'll be flattered that you trust her.

  3. Honey, You sound desperate to talk to her. I would bet my last dollar that if you told her how much you needed her right now and how much she has helped  you and how much you trust her she would NOT turn you away. I am so glad for you that  you have someone like that in your life that you can turn to. a lot of people have no one. I would say, email her, or call her, or if you feel you think you can, tell her. I am sure she will  be flattered that she has made a difference in your life. I am so sorry to you about what has happened to you. I truly am. Just reach out to her hon. The hardest thing to do is reach. Again, I am sure she would be happy to spend some time with you. She sounds like a really great teacher. Just let her know you need her hon. She will be there. You see for some of us, it is rewarding to know we have helped someone. You never know, maybe it would brighten her day to know how you feel about trusting her so. God Bless hon and I wish you well.

  4. talk to your teacher, she obviously is concerned or cares enough about you to want to help, and im sureshe woudlnt mind,

    all you have to do is simply say that you still feel troubeled and would like to talk.

    if she cared enough to talk to you then and still talks to you now, i doubt she will be less than willing too help you.

    just do whatever you need to do to get better

  5. tell her that you are having hard time now, and you need to talk, be up front. good luck

  6. Just come right out & ask her.  Call her up or email her & ask her if she remembers telling you last year that she offered to listen if you needed someone to talk to.  Tell her you would really like to sit & confide in her, would she still be willing to listen.  Explain you really feel like you can trust her & you need someone to talk to.

    You need to call your psychiatrist if you feel like you are losing your mind.  Please don't wait till its too late to seek help, you have a valuable life to live.  

    Good Luck

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