
I don't know what to do. I'm pregnant, and my boyfriend just left me.?

by Guest61765  |  earlier

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I'm pregnant and 15 years old. My bf and I dated for 2 years. A few months ago we decided that we wanted to raise a family. Now I'm pregnant, and he left me. I'm having twin boys. What should I do? He said he never wanted to see me again, and this whole relationship was a joke. How can I get through this? Thanks. Please no rude comments.




  1. WHAT!!! aww man il kill that muthafucka, say ma find another kid to take care of you and get money off his ***

  2. you better call him and tell your parents. your 15 you used to have a life

  3. O.o

    wow........just wow........

    good luck with that..............O.o

  4. your lifes f*cked couldn't you wait a few years?

  5. You're far too young to keep this baby, unless your parents are able to raise him/her. But, you should definitely talk to your parents because eventually they will find out. And, they are the ones who can help you out the most. As for your boyfriend, he did do this to you and you should inform him but if he was such a jerk don't involve him in yours or the baby's life he's not worthy.

  6. You're going to have to get your parents involved both his and yours. The idea of starting a family at 15 is hard heck its hard for people starting a family at 30!  You're just going to have get a lot of people involved like I said your parents and probably the courts if you can't work something out.

    Good luck hun.  

  7. How old is your ex? I'm sure if hes a certain age you could make him pay for child support. Other than that, just stick with your family and close friends and hopefully they will help you out as much as they can. It must be a scary thing but theres nothing you can do about it now except for suck it up and be strong, realize he wasnt good enough for you in the first place and bring these babies into a loving family instead of a bunch of misery and regret.

  8. I'm 21 when i was 16 i had a friend that was 14 and she got pregnant and he was 20 he left her. I'm not being mean but you are really young but so was my friend. It's not the end of the world. My friend raised her baby by her self at 14 and went to school. If she can do it any one can. But it was not easy it was very hard and tiring. and if was not for family and friend i don't think she would have made it. I think you are a sweet girl and just have your priorities a little messed up. But you are going to be a mom and you have to think about what is best for your children. Because they are counting on you to take care of them and be there for them. I would never want to see what had happened to my friend happen to any one else. she went through allot of pain and really hard times. So maybe you need to think about them and whats best for them like open adoption that way you can still see them but you know that they will be taken good care of but that is just a suggestion.

  9. twin boys huh... good luck! lol.

    other than that. GET OVER IT! everybodies families thed day are fuked up and S****y and broken.. it's life live with it!

  10. You need to sit down with your parents and talk about this, and you may need a lawyer too.  How old was the creep who got you pregnant?

  11. Hey sweetie, every baby is a gift from God! And he gave you two! Guys can be jerks, but if he treats you like that you don't want him in your life anyways. Do what you feel is best for your babies, if you feel that you may regret giving them up, then don't!! Family will always be there to help you. Even through hard times the love you have for your children will keep you going. Even at 15 you will be able to take care of you babies, they did it back in the day didn't they? Well good luck and talk to your friends and family when you feel down.  

  12. Im not being rude but how in the heck can you or want to decide to raise a family,a boy will tell you anything to get in your pants,Finish school and dont let him get away with not supporting those boys.He may not want to see you but he would support his children. It took both to get them and both should raise them.

  13. You need to worry about you and the two children you are about to bring into this world not him. He is not important . These children did not ask to be brought into this world so do right by them. Let him go do what ever. You can drag him through court for support after they are born.

  14. well if you can't get a abortion just give it up for adoption.

  15. What, did you think it was cool or something to get pregnant while still in high school? I dont care how much you thought you loved each other, that's definitely something that should wait. And did you honestly think he was going to stay with you?

  16. I'm sorry to hear that. You need to think about what you want and what is best for you.If you have your family's support it will make a difference. The same thing happened to me when I was 16, my dad kicked me out of the house and I was forced to be responsible for my actions. After I had my daughter I went back to school and graduated on time, I also went to college and didn't let anything stop me. Many people were very negative because i was such a young mother but I didn't have any regets. I must say life definately got hard and it has been a struggle but it's worth every moment. Guys take a lot longer to mature, my kids father said he was too young to have a child (he was 18) and could not be responsible. To this day he has never been there or done anything for her,but she is better off without him. You have choices, think it thouroughly. You know adoption is stil an option.  

  17. you should of been smarter then that.

    You should of waited.

    now you have school and twins to take care of.

    Atleast you learned your lesson.

    Now you have Ruined your life.

  18. Do your parents know? They'll support you and your babies

  19. you should have thought a little bit more about your future. start a family at 15?...thats sad.....well if hes the father hes going to have to support some way or the other with money or something

    good luck

  20. well, you're in a tough spot. You know the options as well as I do. you could abort, give them up for adoption, or raise them on your own. I'm sure your parents will help. They may be upset and disappointed in you now, but you are their little girl, and these are their grandkids.

    Life goes on, things may look tough right now but it will work out.

  21. You should start to prepare and forget about him. Don't worry about him and try to chase after. Try to have you parents or guardians help. And then try for a job and start putting money away...

  22. If it is for sure his then he (or his family) have a legal obligationn to help support you all but as foremotionallyy you may be on your own  

  23. well im sure u'll hear that deciding on a family at 15 was a BIG mistake but i was in ur shoes at 15 so i feel for u i really do....i know u may not want to hear it but the reality of it is that most teen couples who get pregnant do not stay together i knwo this from experience because it happened to me and i was also in a teen mom support group in my highschool for the remainder of my high school years....the best advice that i have to give is that NO MATTER WAT do not give up hope stay in school and focus on the health and happiness of urself and ur unborn children my mother in law had twin boys when she was 19 and single and so i can tell u from my own experience and hers that it will not be easy....the only thing that will make it worth it is seeing the happiness of ur children....women become mothers when they are pregnant, men become fathers when they see their's unfortunate but the majority of the time is very true....give the father time, focus on u and urs and if he comes aruond good, if not it's his loss there are men out there who will come into ur life and may be a million times better than him....i am 20 yrs old and married now to a man that i met after my daughter was born but he is more of a father to her than her real dad ever was..... look for support groups in ur school or outside or find a social worker who can help u find resources in ur area....all hope is not lost and the truth is that u have in u all u ever need for ur kids....

    best of luck and i hope this gives u some light and inspiration....

    much luv

  24. This is why most people tell teenagers to wait to have s*x, but I bet you thought you and your boyfriend would be together forever, right? Nothing is forever, especially before the age of 30. I'm sorry about your situation, but there isn't a lot you can do now.  

  25. I would have an abortion. You have whole your life infront of you. It is your choice, though.

  26. DOING it with a girl is not a joke if ur in a relationship !! that dude is like a @$$ 0 4 leaving u

    what do u wanna do? raise the boys or.. what else

    15 is i addmit 2 young i thing u need 2 find peole around u that can help u!!


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