
I don't know what to do.... I don't know who did it??.....?

by  |  earlier

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I went out to do some shopping and I left my computer on, my straightener out, my computer desk clean, my bed neat......

The only one who was home was that thing, my brother's brother and his girlfriend........

Okay.... So I'm crying right now and I don't know what to do.....

Here's the story :

I went out shopping and everything was neat. I come home and went into my room and it was a complete mess. Someone used my straightener and completely just threw it onto the bed...... Then, someone turned off my computer and left this brush on my computer desk which was old, beaten, filled with chunks of hair, broken, and IT'S NOT EVEN MINES.......... And my mom isn't going to do anything about it...... I don't know who do did it and I don't know what to do...... Please help........ :(




  1. Put a lock on your door

  2. Was it your brother, brother's brother, or his girlfriend? If either brother, I'd beat him up. If the girlfriend, I'd have a little talk with her *wink wink*

  3. Maybe it was your brother's brother's gf.

    beat her as , i would. make sure it was her, but it seems likely.

    i dont get the brother's brother thing.. weird. wodnt he be ur brother then?

    anways, tidy up.  

  4. I know it's easy to let things get you down, but you will bounce back. If this is the worst thing that happened to you today, you've had a good day... Did you confront your brother and guests?  Try talking to your mom again and if she still refuses to help the situation, get a lock and install it on your door.  Don't even ask her, just go buy it and have a friend install it if you don't know how.  If your mom says no after, tell her you need and deserve privacy and that if she's wants you'll let her in any time (it is her house, so she has a right to this to a degree) she wants to "check" things out in your room.  

  5. this is what you have to do, you have to look for clues,  check for things left behind in your room that arent yours. Like the hairbrush.  What color is the hair and how long? does it match the bro's gf's hair color length?  If the mom is not going to do anything about it, play it smarter and get a lock for your room.  that way you are the only one who has access to it :)  Good luck girly

  6. Bash them all, each one deserves it.  They must be lying if there's no signs of a break-in.  And it would never have happened if your mum had bought a new lock for your door.  You can pick up the brush with a plastic bag or similar.  The swines!

  7. What the h**l? What do you mean your mom isn't going to do anything about it? Is your dad around? If so, tell him.  Otherwise, if you suspect it's the GF...which I'm sure we all do...confront her a**. You're gonna have to build confidence. h**l, throw in some curse words and tell her that if you ever find out she was in your f**king room and left it as trashy as she is, you'll personally make her life a living f**king h**l til the day she dies. And THEN if your mother gets into it because of the way you threatened her, tell your mother that she (ur mom) is YOUR mother and should've stuck up for you instead of brushing it aside like it was nothing.  I know it sounds mean..h**l, im a scorpio..what do you expect? lol


    to V.BLAH. no, her brother's brother really could JUST be her brothers brother. they might have different fathers. like her brother and the other guy could have the same father, but she has a different father from the other brother while her and her brother obviously share the same mom....possibility.

    Buy a lock for your door..a REAL lock with a REAL key. when i was younger, i used to set up a "Security system". i actually had to buy a mini camera to see who came in my room. lol. that was like when i was 19 now. lol


    LOL. It's ok Miso. I could care less what people think of this. You're just like how I used to be...idk if you are but when my mom and stepdad moved together and all of us kids (including his) were in the same house..i became like the "blacksheep" and nobody every stuck up for me or listened to me. i was bullied. so my room was like, my sanctuary and private haven and when someone would trash it, i used to get upset too..then the timebomb in my head went off and i started bi+ching everybody (including mom for not sticking up for me). It was rude and yeah I even started picking fights..but now everything is fine and me and my mom and brothers and sisters are closer than ever surprisingly. it's like they gained respect once i stood up for myself. lol idk why. =P

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